Carenado C185 Bush released!

YES!!! Will buy this later in the day, and I have the perfect scheme for the amphib model (which I am working on BTW):ernae:
I purchased it, but due to a problem with my new Saitek pro flight yoke, haven't taken it for a spin yet. i wonder if the contact point fix available for the land version will work on this one?
I am wondering if this is not a Registration Key in disguise? ;)
Every Carenado model in recent time seems to have had this issue...
I know what I'm buying on payday!!!
This thing is really somthing. Cant wait to go beat her up around Holgar Sandmanns bush strips in the cascades!!! Fantastic!!!
I sent Carenado support an email just shy of 25 hours ago in reference to the hopping. No response yet. I'm not complaining. I know I am just one of thousands of their customers. In due time I am sure they'll address the issue
I'm pleased Carenado have done the Bush 185 :applause: :applause:

I have the regular 185 which I really enjoy, but I'll hold off purchasing this one till the bouncing issue is fixed.

Hey Pete,

You might consider getting the bird now... I am not having any bouncing issues at all, with any of the models. In any case, you can be sure Carenado will fix the problem...

It's strange how only some people are experiencing this problem... I've certainly given mine plenty of reason to bounce over the past few days -been dropping it hard into some great backcountry strips :jump:
Anyone having issues landing the amphib in the water and then it starts bouncing?

Yes sir, I am. And at strut breaking levels. I just sent off an email to Carenado support concerning the issue. Both the Amphibian and Float models have the same symptom.

**Update to my previous post pertaining to the bouncing issues with the Ski and Tundra.
...Carenado was quick to reply and sent new aircraft config files for both aircraft.

Great support Carenado Team!!!

Carenado, Great aircraft for the flight sim :jump:

Thanks for quick resolutions
Picked up my copy of the C-185 this morning and immediately took it out and beat the crap out of it in the backwoods of the cascades. I noticed the problems with the landing gear/Tailwheel and made some changes to the CFG file that fixed the issues. I've emailed Carenado asking for permission to publish the fix here on SOH, so as soon as I hear back, You'll all have the fix. I also made a couple changes to the float version to make the water touchdown a little more realistic.
Just heard back from Carenado with the Go Ahead to upload my fix to the 185. Since this is my first attempt at uploading anything here, Words of advice and any wisdom would sure be appreciated. CROSS YOUR FINGERS!!!!