Carenado C337H Skymaster FS2004


Charter Member
Carenado C337H Skymaster FS2004

Yep, the C337 gets the FS2004 treatment too.

I've had the V-tail Bonanza since August 2006 -- one of my first payware FS2004 planes, and accumulated about all the Cessnas, a nice Archer and a few others since then. They're all still on my Flight Sim hard drive and they all still get a pretty regular workout.

So, when the FS2004 F33A Bonanza and the C208B Grand Caravan came along this summer I gave them a try too. I'll say this about the both of them, they make my FS2004 look like a new sim. :^)

Got an email today from Carenado announcing the push-me-pull-you. It's great to see these guys successful with this.:wiggle:

C337 Skymaster FS2004 Released

Included in the package:

5 HD paint schemes.
1 HD Blank texture.
2 models (one pilot and two pilots).

More on the Carenado web...

How does this one compare to the FSD 337 ?

My FSD 337 never installed properly in my Win 7 system for some reason, and I'm really pleased Carenado did one.

The screenies look fantastic .... and I'll no doubt succumb to the temptation.

No question, this blows the FSD entry out of the water. The old FSD aircraft still looks OK, but it is a low poly model with lower res textures. The Carenado version is much much more detailed... and consequently a little stiffer on the FPS... but not much. Like their previous F33 and C208, it is compiled with the "unlimited poly" technique pioneered in that Stearman and popularized by Lionheart... and benefits immesurably from it. The 3D gauges are a treat... smooth and beautiful.
No teddy bears in the back seat, though... and aside from a couple repaints, no O2A version...
But at least it installs. As mentioned before, the older FSD installers don't work very well on Windows 7. I'm running mine from a back up from several years ago...

I'll post some direct comparison shots later today.
There is a patch in the works for the textures. They show a edge were the different parts of the fuselage meet etc.

Most visible at the "white" colored models. Looks like they converted a 2048x2048 compressed texture to 1024x1024 with all the noise on it.
Just converted a FSX repaint myselve which gives a much better result.

The patch should be available in a few days according the support department of Carenado.


Have also the FSD C-337/O-2A, which were way ahead in modeling for there time. Compared with the Carenado version they start to show there age, Carenado is much more detailed and more details on the texures. The VC is great with the 3D gauges, downside is that the most part of the VC is build into the model so you can not tweak anything. Changing/switching gauges is out of the question.
What i miss in the Carenado version are all the small special things you had in the FSD version. Moving seats, moving windows etc.
Close enough! The FSD 337H has always been a favorite of mine.

It's not a FSD "H" which is a pressurized version (P337H). The Carenado seems more a 337G/H.

  • 337G Super Skymaster - 337F; split airstair entry door, smaller rear side windows, improved flaps, larger front propeller, powered by Continental IO-360-G engines, 352 built.
  • P337G Super Skymaster - 337G; pressurized cabin and turbocharged engines, 292 built.
  • 337H Skymaster - 337G; minor changes and optional turbocharged engines, 136 built.
  • P337H Pressurized Skymaster - T337G; minor changes, 64 built.


PS 2 shots, look the differences, note there is 7 years between them!




Comparison shots posted in the other thread - the stickied one.
I PERSONALLY don't think I'll be spending any more time in the FSD model...