If it helps Carenado to decide, I too would like a T-34. First (and only) T-34 ride was in 1974 flown by the U.S. Navy recruiter (LT; O3). That one hour aerobatic ride hooked me on aviation and in many ways resulted in an aviation focused career (not to mention retiring from the US Navy Reserve). Julie Clark used to live 15 miles south on I-35 (Sky Harbor Residential Airpark, Webster, MN) of where I sit at this very moment. I spoke with her several years ago at the Palm Springs Air Museum (a T-34 fly in) and she said she lives exclusively in California. She was a unique spirit.
All-in-all, I'd go for a T-34
P.S. Now I'm just an old guy, enjoying the great home simulators that are available to us.