Carenado PA-32 is Out!



I bought her last night and finally after a ve3ry minor snag with my password I finally got to do a quick taxi, take off into the pattern and landing to shut down. I can say that they have once again done their home with with this FS9 release. There are none of the taxi bouncing issues at all with this plane. She sounds and flys great! Go get won't be sorry.

Thank You Carenado once again for not forgetting the FS9 folks who truly love your stuff.
I do my first flight with her :D

OH! I'm having this!

A question! How paint-friendly is she? Separate textures for the both sides of the fuse and wing surfaces?
I haven't looked at the paints yet but if I'm not mistaken it should have opposite sides since PIPER is spelled out correctly on both sides of the tail. If that means anything........:salute: