Carenado PA28 Cherokee 180F for FS2004


Charter Member 2010
Hey guys,
I know it's been around for awhile, but I was wondering what the word is on Carenado's PA28 Cherokee 180F for FS2004?
Thinking about picking it up. At $17 I figure I can't go wrong.
I have their T-34 for FS9 and I LOVE it.
Tom, I have the Archer and Dakota, and I think they are great, as are all the other Carenado planes...:ernae:
Well worth it!

Funny you should mention it, as I took it up last night after a long time for a few circuits & bumps! (Mostly bumps my I add).

I think it's a great rendition, and typical of the quality & value for money that Carenado are renowned for.

The FSX version is as you might have guessed, a portover, but not having a machine poweful enough to run FSX to it's full potential, I can't say I've really flown it much in that sim for a proper assesment of how it performs.

I'd say go for it, as I don't think you'll be disappointed!


Thanks guys.
I think it's a done deal.
Gotta get it.

Plan on picking up the 172 for FS9 as well as soon as it's up at Flight1's sight.
Can't seem to get things to run right on Carenado's sight, so I'll wait.
Well, just got back from a quick hop around the patch and...


Man, the engine sounds GREAT as the throttle is advanced slowly!

All I can say is WOW! And for just $17! :applause:

Can't wait to get the 172.
In fact, over time, might just have to get the whole Carenado fleet for FS9.
I see they are doing a twin :ernae:

Yes but we must make sure we are emailing them and asking for an FS9 aircraft. As of right now...its only an FSX aircraft. As in the past I hope that a barrage of emails will help convince them to do an FS9.
Yes but we must make sure we are emailing them and asking for an FS9 aircraft. As of right now...its only an FSX aircraft. As in the past I hope that a barrage of emails will help convince them to do an FS9.
They Have been good to us with the most recent releases.....I'm confident that they will offer FS9 versions of their new releases now that they are aware of the large contingent of FS2004 die-hards :woot: