Carenado releases Seneca....


Charter Member
....but FSX only. I hope that they are planning an FS9 release as thoe screenshots over in the FSX forum look great! I would settle for whatever they decide to reverse engineer....I adore Senecas! (but not FSX lol)
Yes, it looks great. Ematheson says that there's an FS9 one coming. Didn't see that on the site but maybe he's seen a forum or something I havent. I suppose it's inevitable that as FSX matures more developers will go for FSX only. Sad, but true; if only because one of the few things they got right with FSX is the developers tools. I gather reading forums that the tools for FSX are way better than those for FS9 and it's natural that developers would want to take advantage of new features, more details etc.
Still, we have the Lionhearts of the world who produce stunning work for FS9. I notice that some of the more savvy developers such as FSD and Eaglesoft are still creating FS9 versions of some, if not all of their new models.
I guess the question is can they financially justify the development time needed to do two versions. Although I believe there's way more copies of FS9 in existence than FSX, it's likely the punters happy to pay for addons are more numerous in the FSX world. As for me, I've bought four addons in the last few months, Lionhearts "epic" Epic, The BA609, CS Herc and just a week or two ago, Carenado's Moonie. As long as developers still make models, I'll buy em if they fit my simming preferences... Right now, waiting patiently for Lionheart's new Epic Jet & FSD's MU2. But no hurry, I'm enjoying the LT too much!
Woo Hoo!! That is GREAT news...and I know that at some point in the next year to two years I will have to make the move into a new computer, and FSX...I simply can't justify it in this spend $1500-2500 for a new rig simply won't happen...but even if the computers were cheaper, the addons sure aren't. I would have to spend a fortune to re-purchase many of the addons I have already purchased for FS9. Any developer who markets an FS9 addon gets my business now and down the road. Those who don't? Well, FSX freeware is great, and many of the reputable companies I already purchase from include both versions at the time of purchase...