Carenado Sale!



Got get them...this is a great price....30% most FS9 aircraft. :salute:
I picked up the 182R. Couldn't pass that up for $13.95.
This was the first time I actually purchased anything directly from Carenado.
Here's the funny part. Right after I finalize the sale and begin downloading the plane, the phone rings. It's my bank wanting to know if I just spent $13.95 with my card! I mean there couldn't have been 2 minutes between purchase and phone call.
Ok ok....i did it. I told myself I didn't need another Archer in the hangar, but $18 and change for the completely rebuilt V2 Archer was too good to pass up...and since I have flown many different Archer variants in real life, I decided it was worth it. Thanks Slambam for the HU, and thank you Carenado for another excellent addition to my Piper fleet! :ernae:
Thanks for the HU. I'm quite tempted by the T-34, having had a ride in one in Ohio on holiday. Can anyone recommend it?

Thanks for the HU. I'm quite tempted by the T-34, having had a ride in one in Ohio on holiday. Can anyone recommend it?


.....Martin, the T-34 is excellent; It was one of the first Carenado planes I flew in FS...and I don't think you can go wrong with it. It is a lot of fun.

It isnt available yet but this was the response from Fernando (Carenado) on the Avsim Carenado support forum when I asked about the Saratoga and FS9:

"We will continue supporting FS9 as long as we feel there are many people using it.

The only drawback of it, is the quality we can reach. Clearly it is much much better FSX for quality purposes.

Saratoga for FS9 will be released soon.
Stay tuned."

Fernando Herrera

......ANother one to look forward to! :ernae:
I got an email last week that the Saratoga will be out following the holidays.
If you want a Saratoga right now I can tell you the FSD variation of the airplane is spot on to the real TC.
I own 1/2 of a non turbo charged FG Saratoga but have quite a few hours in TCs as well. It's very well done.

But that Carenado one will be in my hangar as well since the panel is a little closer to my N8087B.

Thanks for the heads up on the FSD Saratoga, Stefan; I have no real time in a Saratoga, but about 200 hours in my FSD one..and I agree it is an excellent addon. You can never have too much of a good thing, though!:applause:
Quite is a shot of my pride and joy....unless it's my turn to pay for the fill up :D

I did the paint-job first on the FSD Saratoga and when my partner agreed on the design we took her to Wickenburg,AZ for the real paint.
They actually superimposed the FS sideview with a projector and laid the stripes on the real thing.

"Sara" at Santa Paula,CA
I've decided to purchase the Mentor and have signed up with an account. I'm currently using Firefox as my browser and everytime I go to order the file, the following message appears on the screen:

Please delete your cookies and try again

I've been in the options folder and tried this and that and got no where and had a look at the Carendo help section, but that only relates to IE. Can anyone assist me and tell me what I'm doing wrong?


The Cessna 182Q looks quite tempting too!!

Edit: Figured it out in the end - came out of the browser, ran CCleaner which took out all of my cookies and now I have a Mentor sitting in my hangar waiting for its first flight.
I'll take a wild guess....their TechSupport if there is an issue.

If there is a department they could do better ...that would be it IMHO.

I purchased but have yet to fly because my password is not working. this is the first time this has happened to me. I am awaiting more help from Carenado. Can't wait to fly her though.