Carrier Landing Quals in The Skywarrior


SOH Staff
A HUGE Thank You to ALPHASIM for this A-3. Had some fun doing a proper trap this evening.

Some screenshots to share ....

Cheers! Mike :ernae::wiggle:
This is going to be a dumb question...but here goes.

Where can I get some carriers for FS2004? Do they move like in CFS2? Any special coding or gauges needed to do carrier traps?

I used to have a horrible time landing on carriers in CFS2....but having spent time flying in FS2004, with its much more demanding landing procedures, I can not trap 8 out of 10 times....used to be 1 out of 10.

FS9 comes with one carrier located outside of the Golden Gate bridge near San Francisco (USS Kitty Hawk CV-63). Any other carriers will be addons and there are a bunch of them out there. I use the USS Lexington CV-2 world cruise pack which puts the Lex in about 20 locations world wide. This should be in the library here under Mick's name. I've also got the similar pack for the USS Langley (CV-1), USS Lexington (CVT-16) off of Pensacola Florida, HMS Ark Royal near Gibraltar and a WWI carrier pack that has them hanging out at Scapa Flow.

Carriers in FS9 are static scenery and don't move. I understand that FSX has moving carriers, but as I don't have that one, I've no experience with those.
Great question Obio. Some must-haves in my opinion:

Arromanches (50's era French Carrier)
Ark Royal (circa 1960's)
Clawson's WWII CV-2 World Cruise (it'll take you weeks to fly from each location, there's so many locations - bravo Paul!!!)
Yanco's Midway USN/IJN Carriers (amazing WWII Carriers)
Alphasim CVN-65 Enterprise

All save the latter is freeware. There's a freeware version of it (one location only, in PR) at

I use RCBCO for traps - I really like the sound cues at trap, which I don't believe come with 3Wire. You need to set locations and gauges - but most of the locations have been mapped for most carriers out there, and gauges only takes a few minutes to set into your panel (depending on how fussy you are - I am very picky, and kinda slow, but I can put the gauges into any panel in around 15 min).


Kinda OT here but does anyone know if there is a collection a escort ships etc that can be added to FS around the carriers (with relative ease, or without) as a single carrier looks a little odd. Also does anyone know if there are any reeware invincible class or hermes class carriers (with the ski jump) or if it is even possible to model a working ski jump in fs.

I know that over at UKMIL there is a stand alone ski ramp and it did work with my prevoius FS2004 installation.
I think they were located at RNAS Culdrose and RAF Wittering.

Regards Paul Day.
Hello Gents, the carrier seen here is actually from the FS2002 version of Abacus' Flight Deck III. It does well in FS9, but sadly is stationary.

Cheers! Mike :rapture:
(A-3 passes low over ramp as flight deck personnel run in terror)
Well, it's usually like that when I'm doing carrier landings! :d

If your used to carriers in CFS2, should help a little, remember though that for best results the carriers sailed into the winds at about 20-30kts, add onto that the headwind speed, means you should be flying into 30kts+ wind. I know you know all this already, just a reminder to bear this in mind in FS9, remember and set a decent wind speed heading over the bow of the stationary ship.

Happy trappings,

PS. I use payware Flight Deck IV from Abacus.
PPS. Don't forget the russian carriers Admiral Kuznetsov, by AlphaSim (with Flanker) and IRIS (with Mig29K). About 7 locations each. Don't think the Alpha one is available now though :( shame I missed it.
PPPS. There's also the British Taskforce off the Falklands and Portsmouth. Don't need no fangled wires and slingshots with a Harrier though.
PPPPS. If your thinking about any payware investments soon, for you I'd recommend some of the Razbam stuff, many come in CFS2 and FS9 packs, 2 for 1:d