<!--CAS Air Raid Siren-->


Charter Member
Picked these lines from the MAW sounds.xml :
<!--CAS Air Raid Siren--> <siren>
<sound MinDistance="200" Atten="1" Looping="No" file="air_raid.wav" fileInt="air_raid.wav"/>
What exactly does it do?Can it be used in other sims?
It's an airraid siren that you can put on any airfield in a CFS3 install. Whatever nationality you are playing, the siren will go off when an enemy aircraft approaches within a certain distance. It can only be heard near the airfield however so it works better when enemy aircraft attack while you are still on the ground. Once you take off you don't really hear it unless you swoop down low. You could alter that in effects if you desired.
What would be the procedure to install this effect? does it have to be done on every airfield?
Well since you have that text entry in your sound.xml you probably have the siren installed somewhere on one of your bases. I don't know how you would figure that out without looking through your facility files. It will be easier to just place it on the bases where you want it. Check your facilities folder first and look for a facility named "siren.xml". If you have that then you need to place it in on the base of your choice. Do this by making an entry into a base's corresponding facility file. I have one installed at Gravley (ACC_Graveley_42.xml) and the position line in the facility file reads like this: <Unit Type="siren" Position="60.93 -217.22" Angle="0" />

The actual siren is a vehicle and should be in your vehicle folder named of course "siren". It's under the cat/class of an armored AA vehicle. I think thats the trick to setting it off when enemy aircraft approach the base just like the AA guns start firing. Now check your sound folder and make sure you have the wave file named "air_raid.wav". With that done the only other thing I can think of is going into the object folder and deleting the .bdp file of which ever base you install the siren on. To test this out start a dogfight in QC starting on the runway of the base you placed the siren on. Just use one aircraft and don't start your engines so you will hear the siren going off as the enemy approaches. Someone please chime in if I missed anything.
Thanks Lewiss I found most of the stuff and found several siren positions from the Maw>facility>airfieds folders.
But I am still puzzeled on how to position the Siren.:isadizzy: I tried MB but the airfield is only a small dot. Is there a way to edith and see wat one is doing in order to position the siren in a place it wont interfere?
I don't know how to use the SDK to see where to place things on the bases. I flew over a base with the labels turned on and looked for some gun or object close to where I wanted to place the siren. Then I just go back and find that object in the base facility file. Next you can place the siren close to that but vary the position numbers slightly. Do another fly over and adjust it until you have it where you want it. The siren is red in color so it sticks out like a sore thumb!
There's also the CFS3 mission editor which allows you to zoom into a facility and place things more accurately - this is not to be confused with the mission builder btw.

I'm not sure where it's hosted these days though. I have a copy if you pm me. :)

No thats not it. The file PatP is referring to is not stock Microsoft, it was written by Richard Eikland (? IIRC) and was part of the Korean Skies stuff. I too have a copy of the program if anyone needs it. Its really useful alternative to having to dive into G-Max to edit facility files. The only bug I've encountered is that it tends to strip the # wildcard predictor off some of the entries in facilities - which causes problems unless you pick up the problem early.

Also it can get a bit "buggy" if you try to use it across a lot of different installs - it needs to be uninstalled and reinstalled after a while.

Thanks Lewiss I found most of the stuff and found several siren positions from the Maw>facility>airfieds folders.
But I am still puzzeled on how to position the Siren.:isadizzy: I tried MB but the airfield is only a small dot. Is there a way to edith and see wat one is doing in order to position the siren in a place it wont interfere?

Yea using the Mission Builder all you see is a small dot..
The mission Builder for CFS3 was a after thought by MS..
And a poor example of a Mission Builder, indeed..Bummer

Would like to have one Where you could see everything in detail Like earlier CFS and CFS2 flight sims had....
That was so easy to build with anyone who could read even a little could use the those mission builders..
Thank God for this..And I do miss this in CFS3..
CFS3 takes a P.H.D just to begin to use..:banghead: