The Free Sky Project is in need of developers. This is what used to be Project Open Sky before Hiroshi and his followers left to form SkySpirit 2010/2011 in the form of dual Facebook groups. They're not just looking for modelers, but sound developers, scenery artists, or whatever. Their last project was a revamp of Eric Cantu's L1011 3D model. HJG has already redone the FD, and FSPro was looking to release a higher detail model. Unfortunately, that fell through with a rather large thud.
Bear in mind that most of the people that frequent that site are tube drivers, but the admins are open to new ideas. Also bear in mind - and consider this fair warning - that there are still a few of the old forum members that like to count rivets. A thick skin will be helpful over there. But Andrew, Kevin, and Sarah are looking to keep the group viable as a freeware developers' group that actually develops something, and could use an infusion of fresh talent. If you think you can help out and have the time to do so, click on the link above, sign up, and post in the general forum that you'd like to help.
Bear in mind that most of the people that frequent that site are tube drivers, but the admins are open to new ideas. Also bear in mind - and consider this fair warning - that there are still a few of the old forum members that like to count rivets. A thick skin will be helpful over there. But Andrew, Kevin, and Sarah are looking to keep the group viable as a freeware developers' group that actually develops something, and could use an infusion of fresh talent. If you think you can help out and have the time to do so, click on the link above, sign up, and post in the general forum that you'd like to help.