Charter Member
This is Crazy! 
1) You have been Posted to a St. Evel assigned to the Coastal Command for anti-sub patrol..Take off and join up with your wingman.. Head to your patrol station offshore..If you sight a U-boat.. Your Wingman will return to ase to report..remain on station over the contact, nearby are Royal Navy Destroyers.. If possible signal to them and guide them to the U-boat..Tally Ho!!
25 January 1940. On that date Flg Off P. C. Hoyle of No 1 CPF, in Tiger Moth N684l took off at2.20pm from Dyce, (St.Evel) in company with Pilot Officer Child (N6845). Nearly an hour later Hoyle spotted an oil slick which was apparently moving steadily, and signaled by Very Light to some nearby destroyers..
You have been Posted to a RNAS Station assigned to the
Coastal Command for anti-sub patrol..Clear the Hanger and Station yourself on the runway 11 o'clock (Left ahead).. Take off and fly to your patrol station offshore..Your wingman is already positioned to takeoff, join Him at the patrol area..If you sight a U-boat.. When your mate turns back to report and you have confirmed a enemy sub..Turn to Find the RN ships, signal to the RN ships and guide them to the U-boat..Remain to report the battle, Until the goals are achieved.. Tally Ho!!
Cruise at 75-85 mph altitude 1000ft..Dec 17 1939 A TigerMoth spotted a periscope and started to dive towards it. The periscope quickly disappeard into the depths.. The "scarecrow" had at least achieved its purpose. Tiger patrols were normally flown in pairs..If any U-Boat were sighted. One Tiger could return to base and summon Help. While the other watched the U-boat and tracked it..if within visual range of a RN fighting ship. The Tiger could fire a Very Light cartridge then circle the U-boat's location awaiting help.
Built two historical missions with the Tigermoth for Beau, not a problem
Until I discovered how bad British naval gunnery was!!
Led the DD's and Corvette's to the target they closed to rock throwing distance, and NO Hits!

Well the DD's did manage to hit each other as the sub passed, I guess that counts..
Had to amend the missions so a CC Aircraft called in by the returning Wing-man did the Job..
I am using the Diving sub in ETO for this so I had to stay a respectable distance to keep the u-boat on the surface..
Sometimes the limits of the CFS3 game engine are hard to fool, I often can find a way to side step this..
But Not today..

1) You have been Posted to a St. Evel assigned to the Coastal Command for anti-sub patrol..Take off and join up with your wingman.. Head to your patrol station offshore..If you sight a U-boat.. Your Wingman will return to ase to report..remain on station over the contact, nearby are Royal Navy Destroyers.. If possible signal to them and guide them to the U-boat..Tally Ho!!
25 January 1940. On that date Flg Off P. C. Hoyle of No 1 CPF, in Tiger Moth N684l took off at2.20pm from Dyce, (St.Evel) in company with Pilot Officer Child (N6845). Nearly an hour later Hoyle spotted an oil slick which was apparently moving steadily, and signaled by Very Light to some nearby destroyers..
You have been Posted to a RNAS Station assigned to the
Coastal Command for anti-sub patrol..Clear the Hanger and Station yourself on the runway 11 o'clock (Left ahead).. Take off and fly to your patrol station offshore..Your wingman is already positioned to takeoff, join Him at the patrol area..If you sight a U-boat.. When your mate turns back to report and you have confirmed a enemy sub..Turn to Find the RN ships, signal to the RN ships and guide them to the U-boat..Remain to report the battle, Until the goals are achieved.. Tally Ho!!
Cruise at 75-85 mph altitude 1000ft..Dec 17 1939 A TigerMoth spotted a periscope and started to dive towards it. The periscope quickly disappeard into the depths.. The "scarecrow" had at least achieved its purpose. Tiger patrols were normally flown in pairs..If any U-Boat were sighted. One Tiger could return to base and summon Help. While the other watched the U-boat and tracked it..if within visual range of a RN fighting ship. The Tiger could fire a Very Light cartridge then circle the U-boat's location awaiting help.
Built two historical missions with the Tigermoth for Beau, not a problem

Until I discovered how bad British naval gunnery was!!
Led the DD's and Corvette's to the target they closed to rock throwing distance, and NO Hits!

Well the DD's did manage to hit each other as the sub passed, I guess that counts..

Had to amend the missions so a CC Aircraft called in by the returning Wing-man did the Job..
I am using the Diving sub in ETO for this so I had to stay a respectable distance to keep the u-boat on the surface..
Sometimes the limits of the CFS3 game engine are hard to fool, I often can find a way to side step this..
But Not today..