CCleaner Update Bugged.


Charter Member
Those of you who use CCleaner... the latest update from Piriform Software contained a nasty little malware bug: Heur.AdvML.B that my Norton Firewall Firewall snagged. Not real sure if it is a false positive or not but I'm letting them know about it. FYI...

Yes CC has proven once again to be dodgy. That is why I went with Glary Utilities some time ago. Does similar job and some. Free too. What could go wrong. :pop4:
Not sure whether CCleaner is doing a "dodgy job". Crap Cleaner is a great utility that's why it is so popular and a potential target for criminals to seed their malware with. To my knowledge this has happened once and I assume Piriform has taken measures to avoid this to protect their reputation.

In fact its the dodgy work others do, why we require utilities like CCleaner. Some programmes create more crap that they can handle.

When you just google for Heur.AdvML.B you will realise that Norton (Symantec) has a problem with false positives for this malware already for years.

This happened once before, and I can't remember what little bug had gotten into the CCleaner version at the time.... but Piriform immediately resolved the issue. I'm sure they'll resolve this one too.

Which version has this bug?

The CCleaner v5.33 (only the 32-bit Windows version), released in September 2017 was compromised with Floxif trojan malware.

The latest version is v5.48.6834 (release date 25 October 2018). Blackbird686 received a warning from his Norton antivirus that this release was infected with malware called "Heur.AdvML.B". But false reports by Norton (Symantec) on this malware have been reported since 2016. So this could well be another false report.

I can imagine companies want to blacklist CCleaner, as it is a very powerful tool, which can cause a lot of damage when used in an incorrect way. Especially the registry cleaner is something to be very careful with.


Just went over to Piriform and downloaded the latest version, (548). They've fixed it, the scans from my A/V program came up clean. FYI...

Thanks for the update BB686 :encouragement:

I've checked both the version history of CCleaner as the history from Norton AV, but nothing about this bug was mentioned in either of them.


I'm a long-time user of CC and believe it to be a useful tool. One thing that does irritate me is the Avast software install that often piggybacks with it. Avast is almost impossible to remove, but there is a tool available to automatically delete it. I'm not sure if Piriform has an official relationship with Avast or if they are just an uninvited guest.
AFAIK, CCleaner is associated with Avast in some sort of business partnership. Gotta watch for that if you update manually, there is a box to un-check the Avast install so that it doesn't surprise you after the update for CCleaner is finished. I found out the hard way.

Piriform has been acquired by Avast in 2017. And I have learned that the hard way as well..... Like I ended up with "Open office" after a Java update. You wonder what developers want to achieve with this sort of hidden installs. For me it is more a reason to look for an alternative.
