CDT in QC when check location tab


CTD in QC when check location tab

This is when I feel that I really need Davis 'Daiwilletti'.:crushed:

I have 2 siumilar installs, one older that is OK, and one with further work; airfields addirions in particular, which CTD in QC, but OK in missions.

I am assuming only the following should be important, and I have checked ad infinitum!:banghead:
- global layer
- facility
- airfield mos
all above should have same naming
- qclocations
- cut scenes
also should have the same info/names where relevant.

Interesting though, is if i take out those files and replace them with the slightly older ones that work in the slightly older install, the newer install still does not work, so what am I missing?:dizzy:

Now adding the newer install folders and files from above do actually work in the older install, suggesting that the problem lies elsewhere.....:pop4:

I will update if I solve the problem but if anyone has any ideas.....
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Look at some of the suggestions in my post from 11/3!

I had forgotten about that, but a little different in that
- no eras in these installs.
-works fine in missions
None of the issues discussed there are relevant in this case,

@Andy Made no difference.

I'll keep exploring. I will add folders/files from the newer install bit by bit to a copy of the older install until it stops working!
Of course it would be in the very last folder! :banghead: I added all the folders from the newer install to the copy of the older one; all fine until weather! Enough for today but I will add file by file there tomorrow and see what happens. I think that I have come across weather being an issue in QC before!
Well, in the end, it was just 1 weather file!:wiggle: Lesson learned. We should do a knowledge base post on all things to check for this issue.