Cessna 195 recommendations?


Charter Member 2015
I did the Google thing already. Haven't downloaded anything as of yet.

Is there anything particular you'd direct me to get? :kilroy:
Shakey Jake, by Joe Binka...:ernae:

[FONT=verdana, sans-serif]Category: Flight Simulator 2004 - Original Aircraft[/FONT] [FONT=verdana, sans-serif]Shakey Jake [/FONT]

[FONT=verdana, sans-serif]Images related to this file:

[FONT=verdana, sans-serif]
[FONT=verdana, sans-serif]File Description:
Shakey Jake...Cessna 195/LC-126. Gmax designed aircraft with dynamic virtual cockpit and cabin. VC has reflective windows and fully functioning radios and GPS, and all gauges have custom night lighting. These models are breakable and have the effect enabled. Fully animated, all the basics plus a 'maintenance' mode. Multiple exits. Dynamic shine and reflective textures. Includes the following variants: Stock, Dressed, Tundra, and Float. Custom 2d panel by Eric Norton. Original textures by Heather Sherman. Custom flight model by Lizardo.
[FONT=verdana, sans-serif]Filename:[/FONT][FONT=verdana, sans-serif]shakey_jake.zip[/FONT][FONT=verdana, sans-serif]License:[/FONT][FONT=verdana, sans-serif]Freeware[/FONT][FONT=verdana, sans-serif]Added:[/FONT][FONT=verdana, sans-serif]25th November 2003[/FONT][FONT=verdana, sans-serif]Downloads:[/FONT][FONT=verdana, sans-serif]23125[/FONT][FONT=verdana, sans-serif]Author:[/FONT][FONT=verdana, sans-serif]Hedge Hopper Design Shop, Joseph Binka, Herb Morse, Heather Sherman, Eric Norton[/FONT][FONT=verdana, sans-serif]Size:[/FONT][FONT=verdana, sans-serif]11519kb[/FONT]
That's the only one I came up with also. I'll download it and toss it around a bit.

Thanks Pointy:wavey:
Has anyone come up with a fix for the scenery blurries when using Joe's C-195? I'm sure it's texture related but I'm not sure what one's I should tweak. I know someone posted a fix for Dave's Hunters that had the same problem.

Alas, but the 'fix' was lost in the Great Crash of '08 but this might get it resurrected.
First thoughts would be going to DXT-3 textures... and maybe some gauge replacements.
Does anyone know an alternative to getting the Photo Real Internal Views? The links at the listed site appear to be gone. :help:

[FONT=verdana, sans-serif]Cessna 195 Photo-real Internal Views [/FONT] [FONT=verdana, sans-serif]Images related to this file:

[FONT=verdana, sans-serif] [/FONT] [FONT=verdana, sans-serif]
[FONT=verdana, sans-serif] File Description:
Add more realism to your Cessna 195. Shareware Photo-real internal aircraft views, for the Cessna 195. Created for use with freeware panel 195phpnl.zip, but will work with any small single engine aircraft. Installation instructions included. Partial installation free. Complete package availble at www.cyberbia.us. Very Low shareware price $2. By Will Fisher
[FONT=verdana, sans-serif]Filename:[/FONT] [FONT=verdana, sans-serif]195v-sw.zip[/FONT] [FONT=verdana, sans-serif]License:[/FONT] [FONT=verdana, sans-serif]Shareware, limited functionality[/FONT] [FONT=verdana, sans-serif]Added:[/FONT] [FONT=verdana, sans-serif]8th July 2004[/FONT] [FONT=verdana, sans-serif]Downloads:[/FONT] [FONT=verdana, sans-serif]602[/FONT] [FONT=verdana, sans-serif]Author:[/FONT] [FONT=verdana, sans-serif]Will Fisher[/FONT] [FONT=verdana, sans-serif]Size:[/FONT] [FONT=verdana, sans-serif]888kb

This is a great plane :)



Alas, but the 'fix' was lost in the Great Crash of '08 but this might get it resurrected.
First thoughts would be going to DXT-3 textures... and maybe some gauge replacements.

I'm pretty sure that converting all of the textures on Binka's C195 to DXT3 is what took care of the scenery blurring problem on my rig. I'm away from my FS rig for the weekend. If I remember I'll check into it when I get back.
It's a great little bush plane!

As for the panel...
I can't help ya there OleBoy. I'm using the original panel and VC setup that came with the plane except with a couple minor gauge substitutions from one of my own projects.
I did the did the dxt conversion trick but I still got the blurries. I get it with the AFG King air too but nowhere near as bad.

I copied the text from one of the fixes, but not the author or time. If this is yours, I hope you don't mind my reposting it.

I experimented with the texture folder and I think I may have found a fix for the texture problem with Binka's Cessna 195. I get no texture problems on my machine now with this plane.
Somehow it appears there was too much work for loading of textures with what he had in the texture folder. This is only my guess.
I basically deleted all the textures and then added the main ones I thought needed back from the trash can to give me the paint textures that I thought were important to have a everything looking nice. Some were not added back to keep the load down. I did a lot of adding and testing and flying.
My test procedure was using the Active Camera and unchecking "activate Fly-by". This puts the camera in a fixed location similar to being in a stationary tower that you can place about anywhere.
Everyone knows that as a plane flys a distance of about 3/4 mile away the paint color texture turns off. As you turn around and fly back to the tower, when you reach that magic 3/4 mile mark the paint turns back on and becomes visible. That is when the blurred ground textures POP-in.
By reducing some of the unneeded textures I was able to eliminate the POP-in or tripped blurred ground textures. I am not a technical minded person so I have no idea what a real and proper fix would be. I am only a butcher. You may want to try it out on one of the C-195 texture folders and see if it does ok for any of you on your system.
All you are doing is excluding 17 bitmaps from the texture folder.(This eliminated the blurred ground texture problems and also eliminated the bad framerates problem.)
This seemed to be the load limt. One more texture and the problem returned.
I have only these file names in the texture folder now.
I excluded these from the texture folder.

I remind you, this is not mine, but I think was from the posting that was lost. The text document on my computer is dated 4-02-08.

Also, I have not tried this yet, but I definitely did have this problem when I had the plane loaded. (Which has been awhile, and not on my present machine.)
Laughing........ok. What I just read went right over my head. MMMMMMNNNNeeeeeeeoooowoowwwwwwww :faint:
I think I know what to look for then. I think that just converting those "problematic" textures to another format (Thinking dxt1/no alpha) might cure the problem.

I'll experiment tonight and report back.

Does this help? Found it while trawling - not tried it.


Brian, I notice that you tried this 2+ years ago!

Memory ain't what it used to be.....

And redoing the textures didn't help either.

I get the blurries in FS 2004 as soon as I go to external view, reset the spot plane distance and then go back to the view. if I hit the alt key to bring up the tool bar, all is fine again...

Makes her flyable at least.

The afg King air does the same thing on my rig.

If you are using DXTbmp to reformat the texture files, make sure the Mip Maps are turned off. I have found that files saved with Mip Maps tend to get very blurry very quickly anytime you zoom out a bit or view the aircraft from an angle. I will check out the textures that came with the original download pack (totally fresh install today of the C190) and let you all know.

That was my post about removing some of the bitmaps textures. It was my under-educated attempt at attacking the problem of the blurred ground textures. Eliminating the bottom set of bitmaps did stop the fs ground textures from blurring, although eliminating those bitmaps did also mean that those interior textures would not show up in the interior of the 195 cabin, which I guess helped take a load off of the computer. Out of the 17 bitmaps it only removed a few noticeable interior textures.

Actually, *after* I had posted my homemade fix, someone posted a fix with the idea of converting *all* aircraft textures to the DTX3 which helped in eliminating the ground texture blurring tremendously.

As suggested, I converted the aircraft textures to DTX3 *and* also deleted the textures in the lower list since their abscence was not very noticeable anyhows. That's just me though.
Memory ain't what it used to be.....

And redoing the textures didn't help either.

I get the blurries in FS 2004 as soon as I go to external view, reset the spot plane distance and then go back to the view. if I hit the alt key to bring up the tool bar, all is fine again...

Makes her flyable at least.

The afg King air does the same thing on my rig.


Brian, have you tried running fs2004 in windowed mode? I read in one of the blogs from the avsim forum link, that fs9 prefers windowed mode, unlike KSX, which prefers fullscreen. I normally run it windowed, but as I said, it's been a looong time since I've had Joe's C-195 loaded.
I run in fullscreen. I only have had this problem happen on three airplanes.

The Cessna 195, AFG's King Air 300 and Dave's Hunters. I will however note that every one of them was a GMax model and not one done with FSDS. (End shameless plug)

Sid Had a few problems with textures on some of his scenery objects used for EZ Scenery causing the blurries. A texture fix solved that problem.

I have FS9 running under V64 ( oh shup.. I know.. ) and with the new machine and the DXT3 textures ( that are included in the above download I haven't had any problems (Q9300/6gb/9800GT). There's a tiny lag when jumping through the views but since it also happens with other a/c on occasion I don't think it's the C-195.

In fact, it's so nice ( and I like woodgrain panels) that it got run thru the 'shop this morning for a wash... soap must have had some strange effect tho'...