Cessna 337 - Love it, but need help


members+, Fighter Fanatic
I finally broke down and got FSD's 337, and I must say... IT ROCKS!

However, anytime I touch the radios for any reason aside of tuning them (switching, or hitting the power button) it freezes the sim and CTD's. I'm hoping Willy, that you know mate. I alt+tab to desktop, and a little window is there saying "Creation failed - check that sound file is available", or something like that. The error report says it's CPKsound.dll or something. :d

I sent FSD a message about it, but maybe you guys already know a way around this little issue.

Anyway, a couple shots from my 1st flight. :ernae:



Thanks mates :ernae:
I just checked out my FSD 337 and there is no sound for turning the radio on or off. There is a sound however for going from COM 1 to COM 2 and NAV 1 to NAV 2. You might check and see if you have the FSD Sounds in you sound folder. It's called "FSD Aircraft" and is located in the main sound folder.

I haven't ran into that issue before. I hope you get it straightened out.
FSD got back to me, and they seemed very courteous. I just wanted to say that, as in the past they were a bit direct/rude with me, but not this time around. :ernae:

They told me to uncheck environmental sounds in the load manager, as it's an inherent Direct X issue. I'm off to try. Will give ya an 'edit' update once I know if it worked.

Thanks fellas! :ernae:
OK, their suggestion failed, unfortunately. I just decided to swap radios, and so far, Voila. Time to go flying. :d :ernae: