CF3 tweaks




Can anyone tell me how to get the best visuals out of CF3, when CPU/GPU power is not a issue?

I already set the max too 1680x1050, but still ground textures dont look well.

Hi Johan_Dees


Can anyone tell me how to get the best visuals out of CF3, when CPU/GPU power is not a issue?

I already set the max too 1680x1050, but still ground textures dont look well.


If you have a high end computer & video card try this first , fire up CFS, top right hand corner of your screen you will see the options tab, click on that , click on Display options, next click on Image quality, your first slider will be over all image quality, set it to 3 to start , start your game in quick combat, press the Z key on your keyboard , fly around airbases , pay close attention to your FPS (frames per second) if everything looks goods and your FPS doesn't drop so low that the game starts to stutter, you can adjust the slider's up and down to your likeing, if your FPS drops dramatically and game stutters turn sliders down till you find something you are comfortable with, Here is a link to the MS site so you can find other tweaks,
Hope this helps

(aka Lightman)
Thanks, but already maxed out everything.
Comming from FS9, all sliders max, I hoped to get something similair in CFS3.
With my dualcore E8750, no stutters at all.
Any more tips ? I installed ETO, and that is already an improvement.
Scenery updates

Thanks, but already maxed out everything.
Comming from FS9, all sliders max, I hoped to get something similair in CFS3.
With my dualcore E8750, no stutters at all.
Any more tips ? I installed ETO, and that is already an improvement.

From what i have been told ;In ETO the scenery came from the Johno updates i cant seem to find the correct path for those at the moment, but maybe someone can jump in here and put a link up
Ah. Would you believe you may have to slow your video display down? :isadizzy: 'Tis true - due to the way CFS3 was built all those years ago, your video card will run at warp 9 with that hardware, while the stutters are the CPU trying to keep up with the GPU.
Go to the Default folder within your CFS3 main folder and find cfs3.xml. Make a backup copy. Now open cfs3.xml with Notepad and find the entry MaxFPS="x" If x is zero, change it to, say, 40 for 40fps and try again.

ETO will have better scenery because what you're looking at is Johno_UK's beautiful scenery which was incorporated into ETO, not the default MS scenery.

HTH :wiggle:
To quote ndicki from elsewhere


I've been fiddling with my config settings. First, I deleted the existing (made following the GC settings now available at Reg's) settings, which were causing me to get less than optimal FPS. Then I let the config.exe rebuild me the file from default.

I set sliders at 3, except aircraft and effects = 5, and clouds = 1. Then, no movie, and:

<DualPassRender val="n"/>
<HighResolutionZBuffer val="y"/>

Then, the GC version says you should set

<aircraftmodels Scale="0" MaxDim="0"/>

not 2048. But as I've just tried

<aircraftmodels Scale="0" MaxDim="2048"/>

and got a very slight possible rise in FPS - about 3 to 4 FPS...

The line which suddenly did the trick and made the hi-res textures beautifully razor-sharp was this one:

<CompositeAircraftTextureUsage val="D3DUSAGE_RENDERTARGET"/>

The original was set to "0".

With the "as recommended" GC settings, I got a significant drop in FPS compared to normal settings. With this way, FPS stay high.

Hope this seems coherent...


Since the GC suggestions there has been no clear suggestions fro higher end PCs
Question ?

Grizz where would he or I start from these downloads,
In what order should you download these, or dose it matter ?
Grizz where would he or I start from these downloads,
In what order should you download these, or dose it matter ?

:kilroy:Lightman, here is the correct order of unzipping and installation:


This order works for me. Follow the readme in

Again, this is for CFS3. It is already incorporated in CFS3 ETO Expansion 1.0.:d

Runs smooth as silk.. just wanted to know how to increase to the max.
ETO has indeed nice textures.
