.cfg files


Charter Member
I had to reinstall windows on C drive. Now when I try to start Golden Wings installations that were on another hard drive, I get a pop-up saying both terrain.cfg and scenery.cfg are missing or corrupted. Is there a fix without a complete re-install of Golden Wings? I've got three separate versions of it installed.
There should be a copy of each in the main folders. If it's not there, try copying the one from FS9 and pasting it to the folder. (Terrain.cfg) Then see if there is one called OldScenery.cfg. Copy/paste it in the folder and rename to Scenery.cfg. That should work.
Luckily this new build had all 3 renditions of Golden Wings already on it before the older build went belly up and needed to be rebuilt. I'll just burn copies of the scenery and terrain .cfg files to a cd-rw and transfer them to the older machine. Thanx for the info. I just wonder now how those files turned up missing on the old machine.
Okay, the scenery files load, but now I get an "Aircraft initialization. Cessna Skyhawk 172SP" pop-up. What now, please? I've got so many addons installed into these GW renditions, it's be a real PITA to start over from scratch.
I know, Robert41. The Cessna's in each of the aircraft folders but maybe corrupted somehow. I've installed a plain vanilla FS9 onto the same drive and will replace the Cessnas with fresh C172 folders and see what happens. If that doesn't work, I'll be back.

Another Robert(71)
I was going to say, usually in the scenery config, any scenery addons that have 'locations', will have drive assignment addresses as well, which have to be changed, like from H: drive to C: drive, etc.. Each paragraph of each scenery addon will have locations of the files in it, most are 'local' (standard location), and some, for some reason, have drive, package, folder locations... Those you need to change).

And, on your Cessna 172, if you don't have the default texture/dash/any other things called for in the DEFAULT load, you will get an initialization error. You can go to your FS9.cfg (or GW3.cfg, if you renamed your exe, as suggested in the instructions,) and put whatever plane AND texture (ALWAYS put BOTH!) you want to start with each time, when GW3 first loads.
Changing out the Cessna folders with fresh ones cured those problems and all 3 renditions of GW3 start now........but I got a couple of "Addon Scenery Area 39 not found" to sort out. I've been known to remove an Addon Sceney before deleting it from the folder within the sim. Thanx, guys for all the help. Much appreciated. :wavey:
I thought I had the problem whupped, but that was not to be. When I came to the interface where aircraft can be chosen, I was only offered 2.....the Cessna C172 and Any. :faint:Luckily I have backups of the 3 Golden Wings installions on an external hard drive. I will copy and paste them in and see what happens. It should be identical to whats on my other computer where GW works. Cross your fingers for me. It all borders on being ludicrous.
Do you have any other aircraft installed in that version??? If you do, I would guess that either the .air files are somehow set to invisible (AI) or you aircraft cfgs are messed up.

This happened to me once, and I'm STILL fixing them (literally had hundreds when you include ai and all textures. :faint: )
Yep, plenty of aircraft in each rendition. The ORA GW folder has about 20 aircraft. Pre-WW2 GW has about 50. And WW2 GW has about 60. Now you see ludicrous aspect of it. Just like a re-format and fresh installation of Winders is sometimes necessary, so might a fresh start with Golden Wings. These GW's renditions worked before the computer went belly up. First the PSU went south and then the mobo and CPU soon followed. But the sims were all on D drive, not C drive. Can dots be connected between the hardware failure and the sims corruption? I dunno.