CFS 3 Maps?


Charter Member
I was poking around in search to see if I could find out if anyone has produced in an image form the various map areas for ETO, PTO, MAW, etc. I don't know how easy/hard it is to do this, or if it's been done already, but it could be helpful to be able to see at an instant what area, and by how much, a given sim covers an area. For those that are newbies, returnies, or more casual users this could be helpful.
Well one can go to the uires/map folder to see the map(s) as one would see it in game with 'M' and also in the missions buolder; if that's what you're after.
Well, yes and no. I guess they all do exist then somewhere but not the most easy and accessible form. Would you need to have all the sims installed to be able to see the areas covered by them? I was thinking more along the lines of a one stop shop to get this information and even today in this electronic age I'm an old school pilot who likes to have a paper chart I can hold in my hand and do my planning on.
Well if you are referring to an accurate map for navigation, then there isn't one in game or install. One would have to take the limit co-ordinates; go to Google maps or Google Earth, or similar; copy an image or several images of that area and paste them out in sort of nav map form. They would of course not be WW2 era. Otherwise you would have to did up on line maps of that era.
Since MAW and PTO or any non ETO area involve totally different AO's, one would have to install them to access to Uires maps at least.
I didn't really know exactly where the maps were hiding until you said they were in Uires map file, but what I had in mind was more along the lines of this:

Though maybe a little more global.

I don't have PTO, Rising Sun, Korea or any others currently installed so this is all I can produce. If someone else has the others installed and would like to add to it that might be helpful.


  • ETO-MAW Maps.jpg
    ETO-MAW Maps.jpg
    81 KB · Views: 4
PTO is actually quite good. I don't have Rising Sun, Korea, but you raise an interesting point that it should be possible to do a really good ETO map as well.
Well I have played around with an ETO map I found on line but it's not that easy to get it set up accurately to reflect the information in the gsl file. One can get airbases, etc., in the sea for a start!:dizzy::banghead: I would have to know hown the MAW and PTO guys did theirs; did the map come first, or what?