CFS Multiplayer


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Is it possible to check if CFS multiplayer mode works correct.
As AAC mission runs on Sundays it would be nice if I could make a test in the week.
Ports are checked OK but with an IP test with Scandbear........Nada!

I think that today's game settled the matter. :applause:

And NO weird collisions, NO double entry, no problem at all!
~S~ !

You will lose my face for two weeks but dont be sorry..... Scandbear will show up instead.

I have been ordered to Siam to make a test of the Singha Beer as an expert of liquids and Helga will acompany me as my secretary.

It will be hard work with sunshine,bathing,massage and............. but war is war....?


I'll be willing to play for a while. I have no school wed. thru fri. eastern us time. How do you guys do the multiplayer? Do you forward ports? The game didn't tell me which ones i needed to so i can only do it with hamachi (infamous for doing lan over internet)
~S~ Stephen....We play every Sunday at 12 noon eastern. It is an Here is a link for some of the things that you would need....

We use Teamspeak for comms....CFO allows us to set weather and time. Any of our members would be happy to assist you in getting setup. There may be some port forwarding involved...but some of our players are pretty good at it!
Post your questions and we'll help to step you along....MM :salute:
cool... looks like someone is short on hosting funds...

Anyways, i know how to forward ports, i just need to know which ones. Is there no playing on any other days?
cool... looks like someone is short on hosting funds...

Anyways, i know how to forward ports, i just need to know which ones. Is there no playing on any other days?

You need to forward DirectX7 ports. You can find the list at Microsoft KB240429.

Some of us do fly in "private sessions", but we get better attendance in the week-ends. Other squads do fly during the week. I will let them do their own promotion...:engel016:
Cool, ill probably be able to come to the sunday one, but i wish i could take advantage of no school for the rest of this week and play a bit earlier... and a bit more...

Is there currently a way to have a game lobby so you dont have to manually input the ip address of the hoster? That would make it awesome.

Edit: I found game lobby stuff: GameRanger... maybe you know about it? Anyways, looks like theres noone hosting cfs1 servers on it. Maybe someone will see mine :D
I already got teamspeak2, i just need the addy to connect :O