CFS2 Gunsights


Charter Member
Hi all.....I've been trying different gunsights out lately for my stable. One or two I really like but they're kinda large. I was advised to put 'em into DXTBmp to resize 'em but when I 'resize' image and save it, nothing changes.

I don't know very much about this program so could use some Good Orderly Direction in this regard. How do I get the gunsight to go smaller when I save it? Am I missing out some steps here?


It doesn't matter how large or small your gunsight bitmap is, CFS2 will squash or stretch it to fit the gunsight polygon in the sim.

Make the crosshairs smaller in the bitmap - leave more empty space around them - and try again. But keep it in the centre of the bitmap!
Hi Hairy

Good, I'll try that. Just so I understand you properly, do I edit these things in the DXTBmp program or paint.....or paint within the DXTBmp program itself?
Use your paint program to create the bitmap, making sure it's sized correctly: 128x128, 256x256, 512x512, 1024x1024 or whatever power of 2 square suits. Then open it in DXTBmp and save it as a .DDS file.

If you open the original gunsight .DDS, DXTBmp will tell you what format that uses - probably DXT1 or DXT5 - so you'll know what format of .DDS to use for your new gunsight.
'K Hairy.....

I opened the original then edited it in Paint, making the crosshairs smaller (which is the problem to start with) then saved it from paint to desktop. I opened it in DXTBmp and was asked how I wanted to save it. Also there was something about Alpha channel. not knowing what I was doing, I saved it to the top of the list and tried it.

When I started a flight, there was no gunsight there at all. Maybe the question I should've asked here is: Is there a tutorial available for this program, specifically on gunsights?

I feel like I'm miles out of my depth here.....don't have a clue about 'channel's', alpha or otherwise. All I want is a gunsight that's not huge. This appears to be very complicated as opposed to resizing an image in an editor then using it at the new size. I'm no designer Hairy....just a guy tryin' to have some fun.

Ah. This is something I'm just learning too. Basically an alpha layer controls (in this case) the transparency of the gunsight graphic and you'll get better answers than mine at the Graphics forum..... sorry! :redf:
Headin' that way......

Hairy you did great trying to help me with this and I really appreciate your input. You know, I spent my career as a design draftsman, technical illustrator on the board, however, the new computer stuff, the language......wayyyy over my head.......makes my eyes glaze over.

Thanks a million for giving it a shot.

One for you, Hairy.....

I fluked it! Decided to edit the alpha channel and it worked. The crosshairs in the gunsight are shorter as I wanted.

Glad I at least gave it a try.