CFS3 Aircraft Collections


Charter Member
This is for everyone and anyone to answer. Exactly how much aircraft can CFS3 hold exactly? In short: How much is enough? I wait with bated breath on Dancat and Nacht and Bravo /4's works but I want to save some space for them in my aircraft folder when they're finished with any new works they may have in the future.
Hi Autothrottle,

there is no limit on the amount of aircraft you can have in CFS3..

I have over 500 aircraft in one install with no problems at all.

the only down side is the larger the aircraft collection in your game, the longer the game takes to load. (especially if you have just deleted the bdp files)

as for what is enough well thats something you'll have decide for yourself. I personelly dont like having more than 3 or 4 of any given type of plane in my install. but some people like having say 100 Spitfire MkIX's each with its own historical skin..


regards Rob.
Thanks a lot Capt. Winters! I have all of teds Dornier 217's and I wanted to try out just one of them. Whoa 500 aircraft is alot! I hope to get some more exotic aircraft in the future though. My personal favorite is teds 219.