CFS3 and IL2 work perfectly on intel-mac


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Hi, all.

I wanted to report that both CFS3 and IL2 (all versions) work flawlessly on my intel-based mac laptop (with 30 inch monitor) running XP under bootcamp. I have not seen any problem at all. Originally, I did have problems about a year ago (stuttering, etc.) but, with XP updates these seem to have gone away. I am running Saitek X52 parts together with a Saitek rudder. I also am using the TrackIR 4 pro system - works great!!

SaA :sheep:
Hi, all.

I wanted to report that both CFS3 and IL2 (all versions) work flawlessly on my intel-based mac laptop (with 30 inch monitor) running XP under bootcamp. I have not seen any problem at all. Originally, I did have problems about a year ago (stuttering, etc.) but, with XP updates these seem to have gone away. I am running Saitek X52 parts together with a Saitek rudder. I also am using the TrackIR 4 pro system - works great!!

SaA :sheep:
You getting transparent water? What video chipset in there? We seem to have that on our iMacs at work. Must be a video driver issue I think, but can't seem to find a driver that will make it work.