CFS3 Battle of Britain 70th Anniversary Editi


Charter Member
I tried a few missions in CFS3 Battle of Britain 70th Anniversary Edition.In the BOB First sortie Hurri intercept HH001 mission at one point I get the plane on fire message but when I have a look at the BoB_Hurri_303 that I am flying there is no fire or smoke effects.Tried changing the aircraft for the BoB_Hurri_257 or BoB_Hurri_017 , same problem .I also tried importing a new effects file without any success. How can I improve the effects on these aircrafts?
Yea I think I understand, I tried this again..
Did manage to burn a bit..

I did expect more flame when first hit, showed smoke and said I was on fire..:icon_eek:

But as the g forces torn my Hurri apart, she did burn nicely..
And there were burnt hobbit bits everywhere!!:isadizzy:

They will NEVER get that smell out! :icon_lol:
I have had a quick look , and am at a loss to sort this out, I don't have the skill needed to do this I guess.:banghead:

But I too did notice a lack of fire when the message would say I was on fire?
Perhaps one of the Masters will have the time to sort this out..
Hi gosd,

towards the end of the hurri 303's xdp file, are a list of effects that occur when certain levels of damage are inflicted on parts of the aircraft. If you have something like Winmerge, compare this part of the xdp file with the same part of a different hurricane xdp file (from within the same install), to compare effects called for. This does not necessarily involve changing or editing the effects.xml. It might be as simple as adding or changing lines to the aircraft's xdp file. Using winmerge to spot differences makes it easier.

Sorry can't be more specific, my cfs3 'puter is on the blink.

Good catch Daniel. The emitters in the model don't match those in the xdp.

If you change them to match whats in this pic it should work. I've no time at the moment to play around with these unfortunately :(.

So for instance change 'emitter_fueltank_right' to 'emitter_fueltank_r' and see if that helps.
Yes the suggested mod woks.:ernae:

Does this apply to all A/Cs, I have noticed that the 'emitter_fueltank_right' is in several xdp files instead of 'emitter_fueltank_r' should this be changed in every A/C xdp file?

No! Several years ago we all tried to standardize the naming conventions used for emitters and other parts. So unless you are sure don't! You can always use a hex editor to open up the m3d file and check. Emitter entries are in plain text.