CFS3 Beta and I% aircraft


Charter Member
Is it bad to have Betas mixed along with the 1% aircraft from this site and from Avhistory? Does the game conflict with them in any way or no?
There is no conflicts I've seen and I have all the addons ETO PTO MAW OFF DPC etc..In fact I have 80 gig in my CFS folders and over 1200 aircraft many I've re painted from skins here and from other developers. And there are some GREAT people with deep knowage out there..I've learned to trust them..Enjoy I do..
As far as I have heard there doesn't appear to be a maximum apart from your willingnes to scroll down the aircraft menu:jump:
Unlimited A/C

So then CFS3 can hold an unlimited amount of aircraft? I have 49 Gigs BTW.

As BeauBrummie wrote, probably there is no limit to the number of aircrafts You can install, the drawback is that the time that the game need to be launched any first time (I mean every time You first launch the game after a reboot) increase in consequence.

Cheers :ernae: and have always good flying
Cristiano "Astore"