CFS3 BoB Question to Clive ?


Charter Member
A question to Clive. How's the new update to the BoB expansion coming along ? Eagerly waiting. Not rushing anything. It's just one of my favorite installs of CFS3 ! The most important air battle of Europe in WW II in my opinion. Like your work than most payware ever available. Still a go to after all this time. All i ever did was install some missions and left the rest alone. Great work! Excited to see what awaits ! Cheers,Scott
I've been slowly compiling my mission set that will complement Clive's Battle of Britain install. Just busy with school and my health right now.

Will let you know when I'm done it though!
Great news ! Hope you get to feeling better. I know,if you don't have your health you have very little. Been going down that road myself. Hope the best for you. Cheers,Scott