CFS3 Connecting to??


Charter Member
Hey Gents, Ive had CFS3 since it came out,gave up on the online after
the first week. Just now getting back into it though after some time with
"AcesHighII" and trying to get clued in here to exactly how you guys
are playing CFS3 now. Trying to catch up on the threads,but any
additional comments and help would greatly be appreciated.

Hope to connect with some of you online and enjoy CFS3 the way it
was meant to be! :help:
:kilroy:Wyld45, one question: Are you using Vista or XP?

If you are a Vista user, go to Post #34 in this thread:

If you have any questions, please contact Deadmeat1971.

If you get that fixed, or have XP, then just look for this thread: This is for those hosting and joining IP-to-IP games.

There is yet another option if you have XP (we're still trying to figure out how to use Vista with this):

Good luck.:d
Welcome back

Hi WYLD45 , make sure your CFS3 has the 3.1 and 3.1a updates from MS or you'll get a miss match.
The top stickie ' Post Your IP Game Here' thread is where you find the host's IP just put that in CFS3's 'Join Private Game' box .
Also keep an EYE out for add-on aircraft in a few games, if you don't have the same aircraft as the hosts' you will get a mismatch.Enjoy.
IP direct-connect?

So now what I understand since the MS login is out of the picture,anyone
can now directly connect with you on the IP addy?(assuming that you
have the proper updates)? Thank you Gents for a timley reply and
I'll go check for those updates!