CFS3 Countries and Uires questions


Charter Member
I have seen that in some planes and Campaigns the country code is : Italy_Salo_Republic
I presume that the related files ( facilities, uires, related XML files and so on ) will be in ETO Expansion.
My idea will be modify the Countries entries in MAW with the elimination of japanese country and others and replace them
with most appropiate Countries entry as Italy_Salo_Republic.

The necessary files are only in ETO Expansion or is possible get then in another way?

Thanks for any informations about.
Hi Stockplane, what is the language of your install? is it italian? I have never seen italy_salo_republic as a country in the English language version.
It's correct

In fact in the REDUX isn't present entry for Salo Republic but some planes as Bf-109 ANR came with this entry, so i wish try modify REDUX for MAW installation with it and eliminate the Japanese entry that in the med is not use.

Sorry for my bad english, yes i am italian.

In fact in the REDUX isn't present entry for Salo Republic but some planes as Bf-109 ANR came with this entry, so i wish try modify REDUX for MAW installation with it and eliminate the Japanese entry that in the med is not use.

Sorry for my bad english, yes i am italian.


Hi Stockplane, most of us do not have experience with the Italian language installs, so I suggest you send a Private Message to one of the Italian members, asking for help? Is Italflyer someone to ask (not sure if he is Italian)?