CFS3 Crashes After Adding Addon Aircraft


Charter Member

Is there anything special that has to be done when adding addon aircraft to CFS3? I have downloaded a few planes, then followed instructions for installing.
Sometimes things are ok, sometimes after installing the sim crashes upon starting when it gets to the splash screen. The same thing happened after
trying to use a plane from the ETO expansion in the vanilla sim. Is there a special file that needs to be configured, or a certain tweak somewhere that
needs to be done after adding aircraft?


Is there anything special that has to be done when adding addon aircraft to CFS3? I have downloaded a few planes, then followed instructions for installing.
Sometimes things are ok, sometimes after installing the sim crashes upon starting when it gets to the splash screen. The same thing happened after
trying to use a plane from the ETO expansion in the vanilla sim. Is there a special file that needs to be configured, or a certain tweak somewhere that
needs to be done after adding aircraft?

Hi there,
Take a look at the knowledgebase sticky at the top of the CFS3 Forum page. It explains about how to install addon aircraft.

In your case, the first culprit will be the sound.cfg file. You can set it to open in Notepad. It will point to a folder named DR_Engine_sounds, which is in the Aircraft folder in ETO. You will need to point the sound.cfg to a suitable sound location in your stock aircraft folder (alternatively copy across the ETO/aircraft/DR_Engine_sounds folder - be aware it is very large).

Once you have the sound sorted, check that you have all the guns, weapons, and pylons which are called in the aircraft's .xdp file. Once you have all those files, don't forget that some of the new weapon effects will require an updated effects.xml and Effects/fxtextures .dds textures, not to mention additions to the sounds.xml file.

I recommend you download the updated combined effects.xml package here at SOH which contains a combined sounds.xml file and textures, too. This will help some of the ancillary things to work better.

Read the knowledgebase sticky for anything I may have missed!

You either have to do the config util dance or look for usiel file and delete in my documents or aother folder. Chances are its the usiel file. I had to do it several times ages ago.
When this used to happen to me, I'd run multi-cfs3 and change the name from combat flight simulator 3.0 to combat flight simulator 3.A etc
For new aircraft 90% of the time it's the file location of the engine sounds. The second most common reason is missing weapons in the payload selection.

In either case you can quickly get running again by text editing game.xml. Change ShowUIWorld="true" to ShowUIWorld="False", and you will be able to go in and select a different aircraft and the game will run as it should. After you make the needed corrections to the new aircraft set ShowUIWorld to true again and everything will be back to normal.
Thanks a bunch, Guys. All of you have given good info that I should have remembered from my CFS2 days.
(Sound and Panel file aliasing). Although frustrating, I think this sim can be immersive and enjoyable with a little patience.