CFS3 Didn't Shut Down correctly error?


Charter Member
Hi all,

I've got a new one for you guys - I keep getting a CFS3 didn't shut down properly whenever I go to load CFS3 ETO 1.50.

Whenever I shut the game down, I use ctrl+shift+q as I saw in the Windows 7 sticky years ago.

Does anyone have an idea as to why CFS3 is giving me this error on start up?

If it helps, I'm running Ankor's 2018 shaders mixed with WOFF's scenery.

I would have thought ctrl+shift+Q would have worked? Next time, after using ctrl shift q, run the Task manager (ctrl+Alt+Del) and see if cfs3.exe is still running.

Anyway, you can just move on from the message you are getting?
I too recently had a problem starting ETO and MAW in win7. No problem with BoB or stock CFS3.
It would take two tries to start. First time, no splash screens or disc access. Second time, normal looking start up.
After exiting, I use regular menu shut down, all four cpu processors would continue to run at 100% usage. This kept the fans running on high and very high temps.
On checking processes running in task manager after exiting game, cfs3.exe*32 and rundll32.exe*32 were still active. I have always used cfs3win7.exe.
The ETO MASTERSTARTUP.bat and MAW desktop icon had changed to cfs3.exe. Changed them back to csf3win7.exe and all has been fine for the last week.
I had not changed them, maybe a win7 update?
Don't want to hijack this thread but had the same problem with having to double click twice to get any of my CFS2 and CFS3 sims to work and found the same dll file eating up my CPU. Did as the link specified and ran the bat file and all is working fine now. Wonder what caused this to happen only a few days ago. IL-2 '46 and my other sims always worked fine. Only CFS2 and CFS3 were having problems. Thankful for all the help though. Was sweating this one. Wonder if MS is somehow responsible for all this recent mess. Regards,Scott
Hi All,

I find if I exit the game from inside a flight (esc, then select exit CFS3 from drop down window) rather than exiting from the main menu screen where you set up your flights select missions etc I do not see this error. not sure what the cuase of the error is though.

regarsd Rob.
Tried doing that way and it didn't work. Since last week i had to double click twice to get CFS2 or CFS3 to run.Then found out i wasn't alone.Then,through advice, found the other problem of why my pc was running hot also.This all started about 6-7 days ago. Never had a problem before. Now all is fine and i have to only double click once. Strange that this just happened as i didn't do anything to any install. This happened to every CFS2 and CFS3 install (have 13 total). Strange....
Problems Starting cfs3.exe

This problem with starting cfs3.exe seems to be spreading. I have about eight installs across two hard drives with Win 10 OS. Most of them will not start, I get the initial small version of the splash screen, a brief small square black window, then ........ nothing. I go into task manager, no sign of cfs3.exe running. Not sure if it is the start up problem you guys are describing. Funnily enough, if I remove Ankor's D3D8.dll I got one of my installs to work last night, but then I got all the BS about needing to run cfs3config.exe.

Unfortunately I had done a number of tweaks running NVidia Inspector, updated a video driver using GEForce Experience, changed colour profile drivers, all sorts of stuff. Now having read some of the links on this thread I am highly suspicious of the NVidia GEForce B.S. I will try renaming GameUX.dll as described in the CFS2 thread.

Goddamn, I finally had some serious time for CFS3 (due to horrible cold), and I can't run any of my @$%&$^&*!!! installs!!
I just suffered a corrupted windows update to 1903 that wouldn't roll back, and had to reinstall 1803 from scratch. Now I have a bunch of CFS3 installs that have the non-start problem. Of 13 installs that all started at least one time after I got things running again. Two I can get to restart and run fine, the other 11 give me the brief first image and then immediately close. I'm in the process of trying to figure out what's different about the two that work so I can fix the others.

I just suffered a corrupted windows update to 1903 that wouldn't roll back, and had to reinstall 1803 from scratch. Now I have a bunch of CFS3 installs that have the non-start problem. Of 13 installs that all started at least one time after I got things running again. Two I can get to restart and run fine, the other 11 give me the brief first image and then immediately close. I'm in the process of trying to figure out what's different about the two that work so I can fix the others.


That's exactly the problem that I had, MajorMagee!

I've managed to get mine running but don't exactly remember how. The lingering problem is that I get a hard crash after about 10 minutes into the game. IIRC I tried the tweak of renaming the GameUX.dll associated with GE Force experience. That was difficult because of the security associated with the files - I had to take over as "trusted installer" to be able to rename the dll. After that I decided to uninstall GEForce Experience completely - which means I can't use NVidia to take in-game video but really that was a bit of a distraction. Anyway it worked - the installs opened after that.

I've looked in the registry and I discover that only about 4/9 installs are recognised in the registry. So as an experiment I've renamed cfs3.exe to MAW43.exe in one install. It seems to allow the game to run for longer but is not completely reliable so the reason for the AppCrash as recorded in the DX log file is still not clear.
Are y'all running Win 10 ? I'm running Win 7 64 bit and after running the bat file, renaming the dll ,all is good. All installs run perfect including my CFS2 installs. Wonder if it is a Win 10 thing?
I turned off UAC because it was preventing CFS3 from updating the set-up and mission xml files in AppData\Roaming\Microsoft at the start.

I also reinstalled DirectX9c, but most were still not getting past the first image.

In looking through the Registry to find something that the couple of successful installs had that the others didn't I found a string entry at:

Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\AppCompatFlags\Layers

The entry was a path string in the from of (this is just an example, and is different for each install):

C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\Combat Flight Simulator 3\cfs3.exe

the value data was:


Creating a similar entry for each install seemed to get all but one of them running again. I'm still trying to track down what's gone wrong with that one.
The problem with the last install was that I had a copy of dxgi.dll installed. Removing that and it ran again.
I'm not so sure this is a universal fix for everyone, but in my case it did let it move past the first image and then allowed it to try and load the game.
DWM8And16BitMitigation - The fix offers mitigation for applications that work in 8/16-bit display color mode because these legacy color modes are not supported in Windows 8.

What's odd about this working is that I only run the game in 32 bit graphics mode so there really was nothing for Win 10 to mitigate. Additionally the executable file is not set to run in compatibility mode.

The log for AnKor's shaders had this error.

5.66: D3DWrapper::CreateDevice - CreateDevice call - FAILED. HR = 0x80004001
Looks like dxgi.dll is causing a lot of problems for me as well. However, it's used with SweetFX so it might be an issue if you delete it from your game folder.