I have the Hurris' from Sky Unlimited, I like them!
Since you used to have them. I can reissue you an installation key if you send an email to admin@skyunlimited.net with your order information. Such as the email you used for your original purchase, your name, and address .etc
We haven't been able to product any cfs3 planes in awhile, though when someone trustworthy comes along with the knowledge and passion to do the work for almost nothing. I probably would not mind them converting some of our planes to cfs3.
What I'd like to see - and there won't be enough takers to make it financially viable! - is a CFS3 version of the Harvard...
We haven't been able to product any cfs3 planes in awhile, though when someone trustworthy comes along with the knowledge and passion to do the work for almost nothing. I probably would not mind them converting some of our planes to cfs3.
true Clive,
getting them in to CFS3 is no prob. but building endcaps and doing the damage model can be tough.
plus LOD's (if needed) are my least favorite! ha, ha