CFS3 ETO Quick Combat Stops Sim


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Well after all this time my CFS3 ETO Rev 1.5 suddenly won`t run 4 of the Quick Combat segments and the sim fails , only free flight work the other`s like missions work ok.
I seem to remember someone with this problem but can`t find the thread.
Any clues?
Hi alcanallen,

It can be caused when the last airbase you flew from in one theatre is not available in another. example if you flew from a US airbase in 1944 then set the game for Battle of Britain you no longer have that airbase available from the pick list. (but temp files in the back end of CFS3 are still calling for it). If you don't go into the location section of QC and pick a new airbase it will cause the game to crash.

to fix the issue go into your application data folder and delete the uisel.xml file. (the game will build a new one)

default path for a XP machine.
C:\Documents and Settings\USER-NAME\Application Data\Microsoft\CFS3 ETO Expansion_________

To stop this from happening I always make sure my last flight is from a base that is in all era's such as Fowlmere in England. before swapping era's on game start up.

hope this helps, regards Rob.
Hi alcanallen,

It can be caused when the last airbase you flew from in one theatre is not available in another....

That goes for 'no longer available' aircraft too: I am playing around with the new Spits using JSGME to copy the aircraft in and out of the gamefolder. Leaving the sim with an aircraft selected that's subsequently removed from the game results in an error too when restarting CFS3 again. Select a new aircraft - like Capt. Winters explained with the airbase - and all should be well.

Are there any indications like strange names in any of the UI selection panels? That sort of thing usually points towards the troublemaker.
Yes, what Rob said.


Also, another good way to avoid a crash is to look at the Location window under QC.

If all you see there is a combination of numbers and lower-case letters, do NOT click the FLY button, but DO select an airfield first.

Hope this helps.