CFS3 Facebook group ?


Charter Member
I belong to several IL-2 groups on facebook but see nothing for us CFS3 fans.Wish we had something there as it might draw more new people to this great air combat sim. Any thoughts ?
CFS 3 on Face Book

Great idea Scott,it`s easy to start a group,i started a group for people who have or are having Hip and Knee Replacements,have quite a few from all parts of the world,

Just created a new group for us CFS3 fans on facebook. It is called Combat Flight Simulator 3 Fans. Hope it turns out to be a fun place to talk about all things concerning CFS3. A place to post pictures,post videos,ask questions,give advice and more. Easy to join and is a open group for now. Maybe a closed group if it grows a lot. Thanks for the feedback. Regards,Scott
And here endeth this Forum!!

I am a member on several RC model flying sites as well as CFS forums.. The Facebook groups have all but killed the traffic to the RC forums.

Hate to be a kill joy and I hope to be proven wrong.

Facebook Issues

I fear you may be right, NSS. Personally, I have to use Facebook because there are several closed groups which deal with things germaine to my medical treatment.

But I really dislike the continual discoveries of pernicious data-mining activities, theft of information which is on-sold to thrid parties. The Cambridge Analytica fiasco was just the tip of the iceberg.

In a nutshell, I would hate to see this forum die, but maybe it is the way of the world. But what would happen to all the hosting of precious CFS3-related files? Would SOH survive?
Personally I don't use social media (I'm just not that social), but maybe there is a way to link or reference back to this site from there for better cross pollination of ideas.
I think it could be a good way to bring in more people. Those of us who are developing and uploading things I'm sure will keep posting here, and maybe the Facebook page can put a link to this forum in a prominent place. People are much more likely to stumble upon a Facebook group than they are to randomly show up here, so it could be a good thing for this forum.

I rarely post on Facebook, but occasionally I post updates on the Spitfire project in a Spitfire group to hopefully raise some interest, and when it's released I think we may see some new faces around here as a result. I hope the same for the new CFS3 page.
Thanks For all the input fellas. I love facebook and belong to several groups concerning IL-2 '46 and found that it does NOT effect my next favorite website ,sas1946. It is still very active there and the forum is very busy there. I think by mentioning SOH there will bring in more people than anything else. I will make sure that SOH will be mentioned as much as possible and people directed here for more detailed info. I don't think it is a bad thing to offer an expansion but if it ever came to that i would shut down the facebook group . We need to do something to grow as we are pretty stale at the moment with very few posts, discussions and developers.Can't hurt to try it out. Facebook is very popular no matter what some might think and it's a good way to reach the masses. My two cents. Regards,Scott
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One question i have is that should the new group site be open or closed? I'm new to this so any help would be useful. Thanks,Scott
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Found it on several other people's facebook accounts. Look under "Groups"-( Combat Flight Simulator 3 Fans ) and it should come up and select join. Hope this helps.
Hi Scott,
I love your enthusiasm for all things flight sim (I see you in every forum IL-2, CFS2, CFS3 etc ha ha!).

I think there is no problem with having ideas, and maybe if you didn't have a great place to do all those things you mentioned that can be done on Facebook, BUT you have...HERE!

We should be promoting supporting and encouraging the joining, use and support of just HERE, not diluting it. (See how hard it is to get the monies each year.)

Look at the post and thread count for all the sims here at the SOH. About 5 odd years ago CFS2 and 3 were quite similar in numbers, now look. If you then detract further from here with enthusiasm, pics, nuggets of knowledge and info elsewhere...guess what's going to happen....

There is nothing wrong with embracing new things and Facebook is good for keeping in contact, AND if there wasn't SOH, then certainly way-to-go, but there's nothing you can't do here that you can on FB (apart from feed/account linking).

IMHO Sim Outhouse should be the 'centre of excellence' (for all sims), the place to go for eg. CFS3 and no where else.

Just my empassioned thoughts, but please re-consider the implications (I know it's not about world peace and only a 'game' but).


I have no axe to grind on this, just a few thoughts. Facebook is immediate, often lively in various ways and somewhere I use occasionally, not often. What it doesn’t have are many features of a dedicated site like this: a library of downloads and information resources; facilities to copiously illustrate technical answers and supply code samples in useable form and the discussions are moderated by staff volunteers pretty much around the clock, making this a very civilised forum to hang out. Your own experience with social media may vary a bit from that.

I’ve actually been asked if it’s okay to start a CFS3 group on Facebook. It’s not for me to say, nor would I want to! It’s up to Facebook users to set up what they want to, just like photographers of all abilities can post on Instagram: we all can choose to follow such things or ignore them as we please.

Ramblings over and out.
I understand your point. Just want to bring more people in here at SOH.I feel that if more people were directed here we would get more members. We need more members to stay alive and flourish as IL-2 '46 is. Look at the sas1946 website.There is a ton of activity and there are quite a few groups on facebook about IL-2. Their site gets mentioned a lot and it brings in new people. That's all i'm trying to do here. If i see that it is directing people away from here i'll shut it down for sure. Let's give it a chance and see what happens first. I'm just tired of seeing us getting passed up by everything else.Even CFS2 has a bigger fan base and tons of work being done to improve the sim. Why can't we with this great sim? Regards,Scott p.s. I don't want to step on any toes,so if it is not ok to do this tell me and i would take it down. Don't want hurt feelings.