CFS3 Flak and ground spray problem


Charter Member 2015
Despite the installation of the AvH_effects_XML_042008 and the AvH_Full_Preload_041708 my flak explosions are blak and white squares , my ground spray are white squares.

I want to try with and copy my effects.xml from ETO but I suppose I also need to copy other files from ETO to CFS3 ......
Any recommendations?
Thanks in advance
emile post a pic. you may be missing a texture or you don't have the correct effects xml installed.did you delete all the weapons bdp's?
well, sounds to me like some missing files in the effects->fxtextures folder??

? Do your flack explosions get normal during the flight after first being squares ?
If this is the case, take a look into the preload.xml. You could manually (or by copy from a clean ETO install) add lines for missing .dds files from the fxtextures folder.
(I had my planes spitting squares instead of muzzle-flash or rocketexhaust and a good preload saved the fireworks.)
But keep in mind that too many lines within the preload.xml might slow down the programm loading.
Good luck!!:wavey: yours wolfger
Despite the installation of the AvH_effects_XML_042008 and the AvH_Full_Preload_041708 my flak explosions are blak and white squares , my ground spray are white squares.

I want to try with and copy my effects.xml from ETO but I suppose I also need to copy other files from ETO to CFS3 ......
Any recommendations?
Thanks in advance

:kilroy:Emile, are you talking about a modded Stock CFS3 install, or ETO that you're seeing this problem?

If it's a modded Stock CFS3, go to AvHistory and get this:

Copy it into your CFS3 install and run it. It works like the ETO BDP Zapper.

This may well fix your problem.:d
Please find the screenshots as it is for the moment.
I did NOT try all your suggestions yet.
I did run the Nuke CFS-3 BDP.bat but with no success the problem is still present
emile what do you have your "effects" slider set to in options? try setting it at 5,and see what happens.if it is the may be missing a smoke dds. file in fxtextures.
Slider was set to 4, setted to 5 = same problem.

Can I copy some smokes from ETO files and move them to CFS3?
hi again flyer01 lol. emile yes you can.if you are going to add expansion or avh files to basic cfs3 open your fxtextures folder copy the entire file set over to cfs3. answer yes to allow all files to over write the old cfs3 original files.this will give you all the new textures,and should install the missing ones.
When I had this happen, I did not have the fxtextures that was needed.


What flyer01 says. white squares are missing .dds files in your Effects/fxtextures folder. If you copy across from other installs you will probably get the full complement. You could choose not to overwrite later textures as you copy them across.


Coping the ETO Fxtextures into the CFS3 Fxtextures did solve my problem.
Thanks to all for your help.

I take a backup now.