CFS3 folder contents and memory issues during missions.


First, my understanding is that RAM memory used by CFS3 is Limited to 4Gb?

2nd. Does anyone know exactly what is being called up into the game when flying a mission; is the totality of all available facilities,as also seen in the gsl buildings, vehicles, ships,etc., or only a rolling list of items within a certain range of the mission's parameters? In other words, do items well out side the radius of a mission ever get called up into the CFS3 RAM memory during the playing of a mission? In other words, does anything say outside of a certain radius of the player, have any relevance to the mission memory needed?

3rd. Is there a way of accurately measuring what is being called up and affecting the RAM memory; in other words, can one accurately compare scenarios with different amounts of data even available to be called up by CFS3 in a mission situation?

Now, one thing I have noticed with long missions containing several 100 aircraft, such as with 8th USAF daylight missions, is that if I use the 'x' keystroke to warp to a next wp or wherever, that I can CTD; better to use the time compression keystrokes, but even then there can be the odd CTD teh longer the mission. In fact I wonder how much the length of the mission is a factor. Interestingly, I can't remember a CTD with some of the most complicated missions that I made for the latest BoB install where the AIradar app was in use for Fighter Ground Control by the RAF??

While I am assuming that night flying should involve less scenery memory use, no idea if correct, the use of the AIradar app definitely does increase memory usage, but that would only apply the Axis missions involving the Nachtjagd, and should have 0 affect on allied BC player missions where that app does not have to be in use, except where Oboe is involved or those where using ILS landings on BC bases, and maybe some intruder or NF missions, so for at least 50% of BC missions for sure won't need the AIradar App.
Allow me to respond to some of your questions.

Indeed, RAM memory usage is limited to 4Gb, but so is vRAM, ie the memory of your GFX card. It's a 32 bit game, so it just cannot allocate more.

Your last paragraph (or the assumption in it) is wrong I'm afraid. It's an old game so the scenery is still being generated. Added apps only increase this.

I'm definitely not a CFS3 guru, but I just work in IT. No longer a tech, management nowadays, but I still strive to be current and still do interventions. I want to stay current to be able to judge what my people have to go through.

1. Yes. I'm not sure I agree with Priller on vRAM. I believe Ankor found a workaround that enabled more vRAM to be used. I understand that those running higher resolution monitors get better results if they have a card with more vRAM vs a similar card with less in WOFF.

2. Not exactly. Some of it is based on all that is in the CFS3 world on a given flight, and some seems to be rolling, coming in and out as you fly to different areas. Try running Task Manager over CFS3 (there's an always on top option in the options tab) and watch memory use by the CFS3 process change as you fly. You might be able to draw some connections with different things coming into play in the mission.

3. Warp probably causes the buffer to fill and exceed 4GB momentarily, which is all it takes to CTD. Length of a mission probably does factor into it too. Some things, once they have been brought into a mission, don't seem to drop out of memory completely once you have left them behind, so this can accumulate. But more than length, the distance covered is probably the bigger factor.

4. No, CFS3 doesn't get a break on any memory usage of any kind at night. The lighting values are reduced, but everything is still there, and all the calculations are still being run.

5. The Radar app (and similar external code apps like the Real Systems Module) has absolutely no effect on the memory the CFS3 process uses, since it is a separate process. Therefore it doesn't count against your 4GB limit. The only case it has any impact is if your system doesn't have a lot of RAM, so it doesn't have anything extra. The OS is taking a fair amount, CFS3 is usually taking 2-3GB, and if you only have 8GB total on your system, you will probably be slowed down. 16GB and above should be fine.
OK very interesting.

I did look at task manager which says right now with only SOH and task manager active,Available 21.3 Gb In use (compressed) 9.8 Gb (5.7 Gb) Committed 11.6/33.8 Gb Cached 9.6 GB (I have 32Gb RAM)

5. "The Radar app (and similar external code apps like the Real Systems Module) has absolutely no effect on the memory the CFS3 process uses, since it is a separate process. Therefore it doesn't count against your 4GB limit." So AIradar App has no affect on the CFS3 4Gb limit? I did note % memory used rose >3% when active. I will do as you suggest and see how total memory in affected by a mission. I don't see how I can measure what CFS3 itself is using.

2 & 3. This to me is the issue, and the only way that I can see how to examine that, is to have a so called minimalist install. with many facilities and items removed, against a more full install.
I do know warping does have more of an effect than time compression or playing out several hours of a mission, (something FSX users are prepared to do but not many CFS3 players!)

EDIT. Looking at task manager, adding AIradar had little effect when not active, on a relatively simple QC interception mission with 12 enemy ac and the App active, the total increase from a base of ca. 10Gb was ca. 2 Gb; that's on a non pared down install.
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Just for interest, I tried one of my (unfinished) Schweinfurt missions with ca. 150 B17s and at least 50 odd in visual range; total increase in RAM ca. 2 Gb.
5. You can see what the CFS3 process is using on either the Processes or Details tab of the task manager. You can see the Memory column, and see what individual processes are using.
@mongoose Not sure of your O.S., but any time your computer uses vram, or disc space as memory, and you CTD, there will be bits and pieces of past usages stuck in your vram storage space.

If you are using windows 10 or 11 the following link will guide you in clearing that space,

If you use a lesser O.S., guides for clearing that cache area can be found with a search of the internet.

Hope this helps.
The app that Andy referenced does clear and limit page files dynamically as the process referenced by Snuffy that appears to require a reboot.

When I experience a CTD whilst using the radar app, I am very confident it is not a function of the memory I have on the computer. It happens on a couple of my computers all with different sizes of RAM, CPUs, and vcards. This leads me to suspect that when the Radar app is running some internal process in CFS3 exceeds a limit such as what warping does and momentary exceeds maybe the buffer limit. Why that happens could be related to the stutter we all experience time to time as the game loads new frames.

When I do have these CTD it is only with the modded game - scenery really (buildings, facilities, and complex air fields). When I use a vanilla CFS3 and add the new planes and weapons, clouds, effects, large amount of stars, etc and do an intercept with two attack planes and 8 or 9 targets no CTD. In speaking with Steve, if I am correct, he did his testing with a near vanilla CFS3 (Ankor's Shaders and AVH weapons) and no CTDs. I also have the memory app Andy referenced.

To me fancy scenery is really over kill when flying at 6km and 1 am. What can you see in this environment - weather, stars, searchlights, a few flares, navigation beacons, and lighted airfields (only when you are within a few km). It is just a pain to start from scratch and build but hey that's what a hobby is all about.

Tally Ho!
I plan to do all lights and beacons as spawns. WRT ground scenery; yes, night ops don't require as much detail as day ops. No trees and such! Even for a H2S simulation, what is important is water land boundaries, as well as city conurbations, not much else.

My CTD aren't always related to AIradar use, but often warping extensively on long missions. so I tend to try and use time compression instead.
Memory pointers, such as those used by the AI Radar app and others, can be incredibly tricky. Some of them are extremely sensitive to mods, while others are reliably stable.