cfs3, gameranger and Vista



Has anyone tried game ranger with Vista?:applause: Hoping it is the answer to my multiplayer connection issues.
Has anyone tried game ranger with Vista?:applause: Hoping it is the answer to my multiplayer connection issues.

:kilroy:Coldad, I have been asking for volunters with Vista to attempt a connection. We don't know that it will work. I hope that it will, but it may not. If you are willing and able, please PM me with when you would like to try, and I will put one up.

Please see my posts in the sticky above concerning how to get GameRanger and use it to join CFS3 games.

Good luck.:d
Gameranger Vista and CFS3

I tested CF3 with Vista and XP and Vista to Vista in game ranger. Sorry to report that we are still getting the "mismatched aircraft message". I was hoping this would have been the solution. Thanks to both Luca and Grizzly50 for their help. If anyone has a friend on the OFF developement team perhaps they could asked how they managed to get OFF to work with Vista in multiplayer. Happy new year to all. Hope to see you in the sky sometime soon
Let me know if you guys have found an answer for this problem. I do have Vista on my laptop now. However, my desktop still has XP. I have done many different ways to make it work but again, failed, as usual. Take care.
I pm'd Grizzly. I tried the Vista fix and had no luck getting on GameRanger. It would not launch the game. I used the GameRanger controls to set it to the correct .exe file and it wouldn't take the Vista Multiplayer.exe file. I then renamed the Visa Multiplayer to CFS3.exe, set XP2 Compatibility and Admin priviledges and it still wouldn't work. Does GameRanger check to ensure that all CFS3.exe files are identical?