CFS3 Has Stopped Working......


Charter Member
Now that I'm running Windows 8.1, I notice that things are a little more unstable with my CFS3 installs...

I get more crashes for no apparent reason. But the main bugbear is that CFS3 does not seem to shut down properly when you exit using the drop-down menu. After it apparently closes, a message pops up on the desktop saying "CFS3 has stopped working....".

Does anybody have some tips as to the best way to exit? I don't think that ctrl+shift+Q is much help for me. IIRC I still get the message.

Is it something to do with the application compatibility settings? My installs are either set to SP2 or SP3.

Another thing I wonder is whether Win 8.1 is more fussy about the location of applications - maybe I should have the installs under the Program Files (x86) location? I am generally loath to do that as in the bad old days CFS3 ran better on a drive separate from Windows.

If anyone has tips for smooth operation under Win 8.1 it would be good to hear them


No-one else struggling with a stable cfs3 in Win 8.1? I have to say that stock or near stock seems to run no problems, rather the larger more complex addons are quite finicky.
So sorry you are having problems.I wish i could help but I'm still on a ole' XP computer.Maybe by bumping this up someone will see your thread and help.It's hopeful that Micro Soft Windows 10 will fix all the garbage of 8.1 . Still going to stick with Windows 7 on my dream machine home build though. Too many combat flight sims out there that haven't been thoroughly tested on 8/8.1 and definitely Win 10 for me to risk it. Check on the windows 10 thread here to read more.
CFS3 in Program Files (x86)

Yes, with Windows 8.1 CFS3 and all its versions belong in Program Files (x86).

I had major problems with ETO and the ONLY way it works was to SEPARATE INSTALLS for each ERA 1-5. There are steps to do this and it takes a while to do.
Thanks for the comments, guys.

Actually ETO works reasonably well for me, one of the things I did was to specifically list all the .bat files in the exceptions list for AVG anti-virus. I'm running ETO just on my D drive, nowhere near the x86 folder.

The main thing I would like to eliminate is when, after exiting from CFS3, I get a popup window saying "CFS3 has stopped working". This tells me that something about the install is not working well with 8.1. However, it could be something as simple as the compatability settings. I was running everything on XP SP3 compatability, however I'm now experimenting with NO compatability setting, and also making sure the "run program as administrator" is checked on all five of my exe icons.

So the main issue I'm seeking advice on is ways around the popup window, and the best way to exit CFS3 in Win 8.1. I think it helps to go ctrl+shift+Q, but not sure if this eliminates the problem 100%. There was a thread around this signing out issue about 4 years ago, I was hoping one of the "greybeards" :biggrin-new: might remember. An associated thing is that in campaign play I often get a bug in the campaign .lib files under the My documents (campaign pilot) pathway. Something is stopping the campaign missions being saved properly.

Ah, the joys of MS :banghead:
Hmm that's strange, im using win 8.1 but seems only got CTD when using sweetFX, with ENB it's always running well just i don't know why as far as i know ENB is more heavies than SweetFX but why always got CTD with sweetFX after taking a few screenshots and also something like delay action in seconds when using sweetFX
im using XP SP3 compatibility and check the run as administrator option
i never install the game with mods in x86 dir, why?? because always got a big problem inside that x86 which when running winrar mostly never can extract file inside that x86 and sometimes got CTD, so if you already install it in x86 dir might can try to move your ETO CFS3 outside x86 dir (ex to C:\Microsoft Games\xxx) or another way try to use LAA / 4gb patch to CFS3.exe or IMAGECFG to CFS3.exe