CFS3 Insanity


Charter Member
With all the new aircraft due to be realesed soon, is there any real limit to what this sim can handle?

The addons that are scheduled for release make the mind go beserk as they look so wonderful it seems as if the very sim itself isn't good enough to take them all in. (Nact, Bravo/4, Bear listen up)

The level of deatail is truly insane, but in a good way. We should really give thanks to these artists of the simulation skies!

If anyone agrees with this post please don't hesitate to add something on!
They are a Small group of men whom do most of the Great work for ALL of us here..
To say: never so much was owed by so many to so few ; is truly how it is..
I must Bow Humbly to these men..And I shall admit I hope when I grow up to beable in even a small way to repay those who have greatly Blessed us here with their efforts
I'd say the original Microsoft purchase only counts for about 10% of the sim in it's current incarnations.
Just to add my two cents worth.....

I was about ready to file CFS3 on the ancient and used to be fun shelf untill I stumbled on SIM-OH by complete accicdent while troubleshooting game issues online......and the world of addons, expansions, and extras I discovered has kept me happily flying daily ever since.......all I can say, being one who is not a designer of aircraft, missions, or any other addons, is thank you to all those who have contributed....and I hope my thorough enjoyment of the work you have all done is reward enough for your time and efforts.....keep up the great work.

Merry Christmas to all.....and to all a Good Flight