CFS3 Installs Interrelations?


Other than at the install phase, I confess I've never understood the relationship between various CFS3 installs, but here's a specific instance I'd like help with: In yet another attempt to get Rising Sun installed properly, I uninstalled my base CFS3 copy so that I might create a truly pristine version at C:\Program Files\MICROSOFT GAMES. All my installs were at C:\MICROSOFT GAMES (i.e. not in Program Files). After the uninstall, BoB, PTO, and ETO all work fine, but MAW crashes out just after the second splash screen. Any ideas? I'd really like to avoid having to re-install MAW.
My experience is that it would just be a coincidence, as I've never had any file requirements cross over from one install to another, and I currently have 14 all set up differently from one another.

Try setting ShowUIWorld="true" to false in your MAW game.xml file and see if it starts. If it does change the plane and location selected for an instant mission and fly it, then exit from the mission to your desktop. Set ShowUIWorld="true" back to true, and run MAW. If it starts you have something missing from the first aircraft or location that had been loaded. It's often a sound file, or missing facility.

I know my install of MAW does not like me leaving Seaplane Bases selected when I exit.
Thanks! That little trick seems to have kicked it back to life. Of course now that I'm trying to create a clean install to create Rising Sun from, I've discovered that my install disk seems to have developed a flaw and multiple CD drives can't seem to read it properly. Arrrrrggghhhh!