CFS3 Memory Leak


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This happens to everyone. Here is an example of the memory problem after 10 consecutive stock campaign missions, over 1,000,000kbs of usage!!!!

I believe this is related to newer pcs and the game not fully closing down while exiting I'm trying to figure out a fix

Could Dr Watson be doing it? There is a file called dw.exe in the directory but I am unsure.

I am also looking to other forums to see how older games have solved their problems. Please post if you find an answer.
Yes I have difficulty closing out of CFS3 in Win 8 and Win 10. Once I've finished my missions, I use ctrl+shift+Q and I think that does the trick.
2 explorer.exe are always open as well. The ctrl shift q doesn't work with windows 7 :( Still there in task manager..

I wonder if there is a way to give the cfs3.exe program a maximum amount of memory to use, like a shortcut command line.
6gb of memory. 51GB free on C:

That patch didn't do anything, is was worse.. I'm on x64 windows 7

What compatibility mode are you using for the game?
Aha! It works now! Had to clean my C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Temp folder, Had to delete ~f1d055.tmp. It created a new one. I'm running it under win98 still, it runs fine no errors. game closes now with ctrl shift q but takes a couple of seconds.


no more memory leaks! Thanks, Your patch works good. Plus it saves your original exe as backup.

no more fps drops after 5 campaign missions
no more stutters either
you said you used it on all your exes, did you use it on all the exes in the folder or just the main game exe?

Also did you use it on the ETO stuff? Or no?
Nice to know.

For me the game still creates 2 extra explorer.exe processes in task manager and fails to exit them out when closing game with those keys, not a biggie but annoying. It happen to yours as well?
I spoke too soon problem is still there..

1,551,700KB being used on the 11th campaign mission. Will be removing the patched exe, after I finish the allied fighter campaign...

The only thing it helps is with exiting the game completely by pushing ctrl shift q

I don't understand your problem. Is CFS3 crashing? Are you getting out of memory messages? A 32-bit program in Windows can use up to 2GB of memory. A 32-bit program with the High Memory Aware flag set can use about 3.5GB, like FSX after SP2. Extra Explorer processes are nothing to do with CFS3, you need to look elsewhere for that cause.
In doing a quick Google search for this issue I found a number of comments back in 2002-2004 that describe the behavior that you've been experiencing. The later ones mention that it was at least partially fixed by "the patch".
I saw the comments as well. If it was fixed by a patch, the CD after installing the game said it is already version 3.1, to my surprise..

I noticed the 3.1 patch also says to fix the ai jet cannons firing randomly if the enemy aircraft is close, but i still see this happening in the game.

Or the patch wasn't set to run as admin and or / applied on a read-only permission type and possibly made some things in the patch not overwrite or replace existing files and work correctly.

I should do some tests on it but only have one install..
I have found the problem when press q to mute the sound my fps jumps up to 100's when pressing q again to start the sound the fps drops to 10-40 fps and becomes hard to play

I will look into the problem as I may have 2 audio drivers working against each other.. Very strange that audio would cause fps problems.. I can make a video if anyone is interested of this happening.
This may be unrelated to your issue, but prior to using the 4gb patch I could only fly so many missions before cfs3 crashed. If I had settings higher, it would be fewer, and if I turned them down I could go indefinitely. Also, flying in multiple high scenery density locations, like flying over Berlin and then flying over London immediately afterwards would make the sim crash sooner. It seems that CFS3 doesn't forget scenery you have flown over in one mission when you start the next one, which leads to it overloading itself. The 4gb patch fixed the crashes, but I still find I have a better experience if I shut down cfs3 between missions. It doesn't bother me much as I like to customize my files for any given mission requiring a shutdown between each one anyways.
Thanks for the reply gecko, I have not had any crashes at all on the cfs3 campaign or even that I can remember, just mad fps slow down and strangely i tied it to audio. scenery does cause some slow downs but it is always fixed after exiting the game after about 5 missions like you say. No biggie.