CFS3 Mission Builder Question?


Charter Member
Hi all,

I'm just wondering if there's a way to fix the wing man commands in custom missions, specifically escort, intercept, and combat air patrol missions?

For example, when I issue a "Help Me" or an "Attack" order, my wing men will always respond with "Negative, can't do it" or something along those lines.

I've got the intercept all way point set up, but I'd like to know if there's a fix for this little bug. And does anyone have any advice on creating spawn files?

I'd like to include the ability to strafe scrambling aircraft as they take off in these missions.

I think this is an interesting little touch especially with the new effects out there and great for the immersion factor and for historical accuracy.

I'll be posting screenshots in the next few days showing some of the new and updated missions. I'm working on a video too. That'll hopefully be uploaded by Monday of this coming week


Hi all,

I'm just wondering if there's a way to fix the wing man commands in custom missions, specifically escort, intercept, and combat air patrol missions?

For example, when I issue a "Help Me" or an "Attack" order, my wing men will always respond with "Negative, can't do it" or something along those lines.

I've got the intercept all way point set up, but I'd like to know if there's a fix for this little bug. And does anyone have any advice on creating spawn files?

I'd like to include the ability to strafe scrambling aircraft as they take off in these missions.

I think this is an interesting little touch especially with the new effects out there and great for the immersion factor and for historical accuracy.

I'll be posting screenshots in the next few days showing some of the new and updated missions. I'm working on a video too. That'll hopefully be uploaded by Monday of this coming week



Hi Chris, I think if the wingmen are unable to break off from an engagement, or are too far away, they cannot help - obviously the AI responses are hard coded and therefore limited.

One "buggy" thing in some missions is that sometimes when ordering an attack the wingmen respond "negative". This is a problem with the design of the mission. For example I recall times when I've ordered my wingmen to attack another aircraft. If your wing is flying bombers, they will respond negatively to an order to attack aircraft. Thats just an example - there are probably other instances where for whatever incompatibility in the xdp vis-a-vis the mission directive you are trying to achieve (loadouts, missiontypes perhaps?) the desired target will not be attacked by wingmen when you press "A".

Oh, and when flying CAP, your wingmen have to take off, fly to the first waypoint (I think), before they will respond to your "A" command. In campaign CAP missions its very frustrating when your airbase is under attack and your wingmen are flolloping around responding "negative" to your frenzied requests for assistance :banghead:. The other day my CAP mission involved two flights of Ju88s and some Do 217s (with covering 109s and 110s) attacking my airbase. The place was a shattered mess before my dozy Typhoon wing finally sprang into action.

So the moral of the story? Make that first waypoint close by for CAP missions!

There is a very good stock example of a mission involving strafing aircraft that are taking off. Its one of my favourite passtimes. IIRC its called "New Years Bash". Take a look at how that mission is structured it'll give you plenty of ideas. In the mission.xml, its the Spitfire unit that is taking off. There are also various sundry random Allied fighter units floating about.
Thanks Daiwilletti!

I'll certainly do that. I was wondering if you'd like to beta test? I've got three already, just looking for a fourth right now.

Did you take a look at the screenshots?
Thanks Daiwilletti!

I'll certainly do that. I was wondering if you'd like to beta test? I've got three already, just looking for a fourth right now.

Did you take a look at the screenshots?

Certainly happy to beta test, my ETO install is working at the moment :icon_lol:. Actually are you in Pat's BoB version? I'll have to reinstall - I'm always tweaking the life out of these things and inevitably they start to get unstable on me and I have to start again.....

By the way have you seen Wulfman's extensive BoB era mission sets for ETO? I've just installed them and all the requisite facilities and aircraft. Its a huge mission set, takes ages to fly them all through but is gripping as it works though from the early BoB convoy raid phase, through to bigger and bigger mass dogfights. I get shot down/engine damaged every second mission so pretty much true to life..... anyway studying those missions and how they are constructed could be quite useful?
As far as help in actually writing the missions I am no help at all, not a misssion writer, but happy to test..:wavey:
Hi Daiwilleti,

Send me a private message and I'll send you a list of all the files needed and how it's structured.

I'm using a mixture of ETO 1.40 and Pat's Battle of Britain install.

I'm doing this because the batch files to copy over CFS3 to the separate install wouldn't run.

Hope to hear from you soon
Hi Chris, I think if the wingmen are unable to break off from an engagement, or are too far away, they cannot help - obviously the AI responses are hard coded and therefore limited.

One "buggy" thing in some missions is that sometimes when ordering an attack the wingmen respond "negative". This is a problem with the design of the mission. For example I recall times when I've ordered my wingmen to attack another aircraft. If your wing is flying bombers, they will respond negatively to an order to attack aircraft. Thats just an example - there are probably other instances where for whatever incompatibility in the xdp vis-a-vis the mission directive you are trying to achieve (loadouts, missiontypes perhaps?) the desired target will not be attacked by wingmen when you press "A".

Oh, and when flying CAP, your wingmen have to take off, fly to the first waypoint (I think), before they will respond to your "A" command. In campaign CAP missions its very frustrating when your airbase is under attack and your wingmen are flolloping around responding "negative" to your frenzied requests for assistance :banghead:. The other day my CAP mission involved two flights of Ju88s and some Do 217s (with covering 109s and 110s) attacking my airbase. The place was a shattered mess before my dozy Typhoon wing finally sprang into action.

So the moral of the story? Make that first waypoint close by for CAP missions!

There is a very good stock example of a mission involving strafing aircraft that are taking off. Its one of my favourite passtimes. IIRC its called "New Years Bash". Take a look at how that mission is structured it'll give you plenty of ideas. In the mission.xml, its the Spitfire unit that is taking off. There are also various sundry random Allied fighter units floating about.
You can edit the _mission.xml like we discussed in the other thread to solve the problem and start the campaign CAP mission airborne. I've done it a lot and it works great. You can even mix it up and start your flight way above the enemy flight like you were really already into your CAP instead of just starting it.