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TSNotifier works on CFS3 if anyone interesting. However, I had to use a DirectX8 to DirectX9 converter to make it work. The mod I used now is WOFF_DirectX9.20140830 which also made some improvements on the water and shadows. In the video, I have used the mod WOFF_D3D9_Extended.20140325.Beta at the time---the drawback is the night panel light does not come on in the mod. The latter mod did.
There was a graphic glitch on my end with the mod (both) so I had to change some settings in the ConfigOverrides.xml file which were only two things:
Edit <DualPassRender val=”n”/> instead of “y”
Edit <DisableIntroMovie val=”y”/> instead of “n” since it does not play the video part
In the video, the TSNotifier is overlaid on the top left corner however I have edited my voice in the video with the accompanied music. When I do talk, the name blinks yellow. TSNotifier has an option to change any color you like. However, keep in the mind, the “Push-To-Talk” seems not to work for TSNotifier—just the mode “Voice Activation Detection” seems to work. Enjoy the video.
CFS3 Multiplayer Testing:
There was a graphic glitch on my end with the mod (both) so I had to change some settings in the ConfigOverrides.xml file which were only two things:
Edit <DualPassRender val=”n”/> instead of “y”
Edit <DisableIntroMovie val=”y”/> instead of “n” since it does not play the video part
In the video, the TSNotifier is overlaid on the top left corner however I have edited my voice in the video with the accompanied music. When I do talk, the name blinks yellow. TSNotifier has an option to change any color you like. However, keep in the mind, the “Push-To-Talk” seems not to work for TSNotifier—just the mode “Voice Activation Detection” seems to work. Enjoy the video.
CFS3 Multiplayer Testing: