CFS3 No Map?


Charter Member
Hi all,

Sorry about how much I've been posting lately with all my CFS3 problems. I've got another problem that I'm hoping you all might be able to help me solve? The game is updated to 3.1a.

For some reason whenever I push "M", I just get a small square with just the mission briefing - no map! I've attached a screenshot showing what I mean.


Hopefully this explains what's going on better than me!

Hi Grover1, check your key assignments - the fuller briefing with the map might somehow be associated with another key than M?
Checked my controls. M is set for mission briefing. Not sure if that's supposed to include the map?

I Wonder if the game wasn't updated properly?
I think you're right, mission briefing is 3.0,
3.1a has the map with it.

When the game's up, check the 'ABOUT'
to see it's '3.1 build 030203.01