CFS3 + OFF P3 + MAW + Battle of Britain...?



Hello everybody!

I wanted to know if somebody is running a computer with CFS3 + OFF P3 installed, and has also installed other sims / add-on's (MAW, Battle of Britain, Spitfire.....).

Is it possible to install various sims without having problems?

Having just installed the superb OFF P3 I just don't want to mess up the whole installation.

Thanks for your experiences
Flying OFF MAW CFS3 problems. You may have to check the CFSconfig file in each specific sim folder to make sure that's it's set to what you like. But I have all flying fine.

Same as CP here and all work fine. I think the key is to keep an unmodified version of CFS3 on the drive and make sure the new installs go into their own folders. For me this happened automatically during install off add-ons.
ditto.....make a "vanilla" install of CFS3......rename it till you need to install any or all the above as per several posts all of them working w/ no conflicts
I did a new install of CFS3 from the old 2 disk CD set, updated it to 3.1 and installed OFF BHH. I then set the config setups for both games and they are working fine. Can't comment on BOB as I don't own it.
I have BoB II and OFF Phase 3 together on the same machine - no problems that I can see :)

I had BoB II and Phase 2, and never had any conflicts there either, so not expecting any with Phase 3.

My children also have a zillion other games and graphic software stuff installed on the same computer, and no problems there either.

He Stonedroses, go also for Korea, ETO and PTO a must have for the WW2-CFS3 fan.
Also here no problem in flying them besides OFF3

What is a vanilla instal of CFS3? never get this taste regarding CFS3, you can instal them without a renamed folder.
I have 3.1, ETO, PTO, MAW and OFF (WHY, I don't know-haven't flown a monoplane other than an EIII since OFF 3 arrived :amen: running everything on an HP laptop with full bore graphics and vista 32-no problemo.

Where does one procure BOB-izzat that Phase II software I've seen around? would like to try it, also.
capn rick
Oh yeah, forgot Korea, too. Try transitioning from a DIII to an F-86A by switching games quickly once.

What a rush!:woot:capn rick

You can buy BoB II as a download from here:

Or available on CD as well - you can probably get second-hand copies on Amazon or eBay.


Latest (free) update is version 2.09, released a few days ago