Hi guys,
This thread has worked out well for me, as I've just installed cfs3. Bought it at the weekend, OFF hasn't arrived yet.
I thought I'd give cfs3 a quick flight ----- first impressions ---- awful, jerky, juddery.
Is there anything, to make this five year old game, run on a reasonable computer. [IL2 is a world apart].
Or doesn't it matter about cfs3, as OFF only uses some files from it?
Any help gratefully received.
Thank you in advance.
I don't know the answer to your question about the files used by OFF and as you haven't included your PC spec it's not possible to assess whether your hardware is part of the issue or not. What you can do though is get used to setting up the CFS3config file. When you run CFS3config you can choose your screen resolution, set up the sliders for in game detail and set various overrides, which can have a major impact on how smoothly the sim runs.
Once you've opened CFS3config there will be a pause whilst the game is configured for your graphic card. Once it tells you that the configuration is complete click on 'File' and then 'Change Screen Resolution'. You should set your screen resolution as high as possible, OFF runs better this way. Turning down your screen resolution does not improve FPS.
Next click on 'File' again and then click on 'Custom Settings', OK the warning message that comes up.
Set the sliders to control the game's graphic detail. Ignore the 'Overall Graphics Detail' slider at the top, just set the ones below. To start with you might want to try the following settings:
Aircraft Detail 5
Terrain Detail 3
Scenery Detail 3
Effects Detail 5
Cloud Quality 3
Now click on 'Window' at the top of the page and then click on 'Overrides'. In the overrides section clear the tick in the 'Dual Pass Render' box and tick the 'High Resolution Z-buffer' box immediately below it. Also tick the following:
Disable Write-Only Vertex Buffers
Disable Write-Only Index Buffers
Disable Terrain Texture Ring Blend
To disable messages such as whether you've hit your enemy and warnings such as 'Stall' tick the boxes for Disable Chat, Disable Advisor Messages and Disable Simulation Warnings.
Now click on 'Window' at the top of the page again and this time click on 'Texture Info' and set the following:
Composite Terrain Texture Pool - set to Managed
Composite Terrain Texture Usage - set to Rendertarget
Composite Aircraft Texture Pool - set to Managed
Composite Aircraft Texture Usage - set to Rendertarget
Vertex Buffer Pool - set to Managed
Index Buffer Pool - leave as is - should be set to Default
Fullscreen Swap Effect - set to Flip
Now click on the 'Save' button at the bottom of the screen.
Next click on 'File' and choose 'Exit' - do not use the X close button as this will lose the settings you have just made.
Hopefully you will see some improvement with these settings.
From within your CFS3 (program files/microsoft games/...) folder open the 'Default' folder and then open the file 'cfs3.xml'. Look for MaxFPS="0" and change the value from '0' to something like '25' or '30'. This will help to smooth out the stutters too.
Once you have OFF you'll have to do it all again but at least you'll have some idea about what works for your system.
Good luck