CFS3 PTO Rising Sun Issue Pearl Harbour


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Hi all iv`e just completed the CFS3 PTO Rising Sun Install and everything works just fine except ''2 Pearl Harbour Attack'' this crashes every time i try to load it,can anyone point me in the right direction please.:banghead:


Windows 7 Home Premium 64 BIT
Mother Board B85M-HD3
Processor i5-4670 3.40 GHz
Ram 8 gig
Graphics AMD Radeon 6950 Driver 15.7.1
yeah this is a known problem. Some problem with the bat files under the AppData pathway folder. Swapping theatres gets tricky. There are some recent threads on this but I do not recall the fix? Take a look at the sticky, it may help
PTO Rising Sun

Thanks for the reply,iv`e had a look but all seems in place,what compatability mode should it run in? my ETO 1.5 is in XP 2, bit stumped here as the other 6 eras run ok.
Yeah I'm just going on memory here but there is something like a 2pearl.bat which needs looking at. Its in the AppData pathway. Hope someone with access to their RS install can comment?
pearl2 uisel.bat

This may be the guilty partyit looks much the same as the other bat`s!
IF NOT EXIST sino_uisel.xml GOTO sino_pearl
IF NOT EXIST wake_uisel.xml GOTO wake_pearl
IF NOT EXIST midway_uisel.xml GOTO midway_pearl
IF NOT EXIST png_uisel.xml GOTO png_pearl
IF NOT EXIST avg_uisel.xml GOTO avg_pearl
IF NOT EXIST philippines_uisel.xml GOTO philippines_pearl
IF NOT EXIST pearl_uisel.xml GOTO :SUCCESS
REN uisel.xml sino_uisel.xml
REN pearl_uisel.xml uisel.xml
REN uisel.xml wake_uisel.xml
REN pearl_uisel.xml uisel.xml
REN uisel.xml midway_uisel.xml
REN pearl_uisel.xml uisel.xml
REN uisel.xml png_uisel.xml
REN pearl_uisel.xml uisel.xml
REN uisel.xml avg_uisel.xml
REN pearl_uisel.xml uisel.xml
REN uisel.xml philippines_uisel.xml
REN pearl_uisel.xml uisel.xml
CD "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\CFS3 PTO Rising Sun"

Hi i followed the video and all went to the right place C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\CFS3 PTO Rising Sun,as i said every other era works except era 2 Pearl attack,anyway can any one point me to RS Beta 1.1 i cant seem to find it,
PTO Rising Sun

At last after three attempts iv`e got the sim running,what a mission,it`s doing fine in Win 7 64 bit but the tweaks are crucial now to take it too my dedicated HD for Flight Sim,looking forward to updates and missions.
Thanks to all'
In that bat file you show, there appear to be numerous typos. Are they just cut and paste errors or is the original bat file faulty?

For example the should be colons in front of several processes. And ng_pearl should read :png_pearl.
But I don't recall these typos in my pearl2uisel.bat file?
PTO Rising Sun

Naw i think i messed it up sticking it on that page,it`s all good now thanks,but my other HD bombed on me fireing it up this morning so i`m running all Flight Sim on my C Drive,
PTO Rising Sun

Well well the bug got into it again i ran all eras successfully for two days and firing up the PC this morning CTD in all eras,what a disappointment :banghead:
Ran into problems several times and finally gave up on PTO-RS. Run 8 different installs of CFS3-(PTO Solomons , ETO 1.50,Korea,BoB Pat's,BoB JF,MAW,custom FP AvH and one stock . All run perfect and smooth as butter. I just keep making a mistake time after time. Will try again later when my mind isn't on GMax. Really in to ETO and my own custom install the best but they are all good. Hope the best for you. Maybe you should just start from scratch and try it all over again.Takes a few times to get it right. All it takes is one misstep and it's ctd time. Also it could be a bad install of one certain aircraft. To fix go to users/(hp for me) /AppData/Roaming/Microsoft and delete the RS folder. It will make a new one when you start the sim. Follow the tutorials to the tee and after a few attempts hopefully you'll get it perfect. Keep us informed on your progress and there might be something we all can benefit from. Good luck.
Thanks Sixstring

Yes i will as soon as i get my E drive sorted it`s stuck on "welcome" nothing will budge it so i`m off to the shop this morning,will let you guys know how the critter evolves.
Another thing should the PTO be in (X86) like ETO,just wondering.
Yes i will as soon as i get my E drive sorted it`s stuck on "welcome" nothing will budge it so i`m off to the shop this morning,will let you guys know how the critter evolves.
Another thing should the PTO be in (X86) like ETO,just wondering.

CFS3 should be in C/Program Files/Microsoft Games/CFS3 to install PTO-RS. I'm using Win.7 64 bit.

OK, here goes nothing.

This should be mentioned in Installation Instructions.

Install your CFS3 vanilla to C:\Program Files.

Then install PTO RS Part 1 to C:\Program Files.

Now you can move PTO RS Part 1 to any desired location and finish installation there.

Hope this helps.

In RS I am missing the US wingman dialog response "attaking your target" when "you are free to attack" is ordered.
How do I correct this by transfering what files from another game?
P T O Rising Sun

Here`s the latest from my side,iv`e installed a partitioned 1 TB HD and loaded Win 7 64 gig,the PTO Rising Sun worked well in it`s native Program Files environment,it`s quite simple when you get the quirky bit`s right,now the "mini hot fix" will be going in and hopefully this addition won`t spoil the initial installation which works like a charm.
Have fun fellow simmers,
PTO Rising Sun ''Pearl crash'' fix.

Well i found a fix for this and other glitches in PTO,just go to appdata/roaming/microsoft/PTO Rising Sun and delete uisel.xml and unlimitedpilots.xml.
Rerun the sim and it should correct itself,i had two eras bomb this morning and this fix worked all 7 eras are working again.
Yea sixstring have the answer!

Thanks hope it works in all PTO it`s a strange bit of work that needs close attention!