CFS3 repaints


Charter Member
Just asking anyone out there if its illegal to repaint addon aircraft for CFS3. I'm getting my act together and I'm starting with German aircraft repaints. I don't wish to get in any trouble just want to know If I can get permission to do it.
Just asking anyone out there if its illegal to repaint addon aircraft for CFS3. I'm getting my act together and I'm starting with German aircraft repaints. I don't wish to get in any trouble just want to know If I can get permission to do it.


Making repaints for personal use is free, because who's going to check you? If you only upload the textures you made, so the downloader needs to make his own standalone, there should be no trouble.

Uploading standalones of the stock (Microsoft) CFS 3 aircraft with the stock FM, there's no trouble to be expected

If you want to upload standalones of non-stock aircraft or stock aircraft with modified FM (like the AvHistory aircraft) you should ask permission to the designer or editor of the FM.

Hope this helps


What all programs are used to get started by the way? Also , does anybody know how to upload desktop pictures in the quick reply sections?
What all programs are used to get started by the way? Also , does anybody know how to upload desktop pictures in the quick reply sections?

- Image editor like Paint Shop Pro or Photoshop (or any other program that can handle multilayered images)
- Tools to convert your textures to the required format for CFS 3. Great tool is DXTbmp by Martin Wright, other very handy tool is Imagetool (to be found in the CFS 3 sourcecode by Microsoft)
- To edit the mosfile you need the moseditor (also in the sourcecode)

How to use those tools???? In the downloadsection here are some tutorials which will show you the way.

Don't know about uploading images directly to SOH in quick reply: solution could be to upload your images to somewhere on the internet (flickr, imageshack, your own website etc etc) and copy/paste the link into your text. Like this:

Then type
after it and your image should appear in your message



Hope this helps