CFS3 RS Pearl Harbor Standalone Theater Uploaded


PTO Solomons ,PTO Rising Sun, ETO Expansion
I have uploaded a standalone RS Pearl Harbor Theater to the following link:

I want to personally thank all the contributors who have participated in the creation of this theater.

Enjoy and happy flights
The same theater which was part of Rising Sun, but standalone and ease of installation.
Do I have to install this into an existing CFS 3 installation, or is it already completely standalone?

When I installed it in my CFS installation, I got a lot of error messages in the main menu with mission dont load .
Don't install into existing cfs3 install. Point the installer where you want to install the theater and install.
I installed it and all seemed fine, but when I click the shortcut that appears on my desktop, I get the splash screen for a couple seconds and then nothing. Am I missing something?
I installed it and all seemed fine, but when I click the shortcut that appears on my desktop, I get the splash screen for a couple seconds and then nothing. Am I missing something?
1st did you run multicfs3.exe when install was completed? If you did go to the theater files and try to start from inside the file explorer.
On your desktop icon, open properties, check that the target and start up paths are correct for the location of you install.
Strange! Yes, I did run multicfs3.exe with no issues and the targets all looked good. I noticed that starting the shortcut, which points at 'Start RS Pearl Harbor.exe' did not create the expected files and folders in AppData\Roaming\Microsoft, nor did directly double clicking it. However, when I copied the cfs3.exe from another install into the main folder and ran it, it created the aforementioned folders and worked like a charm! Stranger still, 'Start RS Pearl Harbor.exe' would still not work if double clicked it, but it would work if renamed to 'cfs3.exe!!! Don't know what's going on, but it works.

Question, presumably Ankor's Shaders are not built in by default so one has to add them?