CFS3 scenery addon question


Charter Member
I have a CFS3 3.1 install with 46th scenery v3 add-on installed.
Is possible add new country like Crimea or Russia in it for example form ETO?
If yes what is the procedure?

Thanks for any informations about.

Unfortunately it isn't due to the limitations within the CFS3 engine.

For some strange reason, Microsoft never considered letting us expand the theater greatly. If I remember correctly, MAW is about as large as it gets.

But, I wouldn't be surprised if an Eastern Front install is put together in the future.

Your best bet for the Crimean region would be the Mediterranean Air War install.

You can download all 13 parts required for the MAW install from this link here:

Take care and good luck!

Thanks Grover1

I have MAW in a separate install, of course, my idea was put this region in standard CFS3 for keep MAW only for the mediterranean area.

Thanks for kindly and promp reply.

