CFS3 sources and does CFS1CD give chance of upgrade price ?


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I see I have the CD CFS but not CFS3 so assuming there is no upgrade price I need to source CFS3 now.
Where can CFS3 be purchased now ?
I have Win7 64bit pro, should I ask for anything in particular or just CFS3 ?

Might there be an upgrade option on CFS does anyone know ?

I'm pretty sure you'll have to buy it, amazon, eBay, etc I still occasionally see it in the store. The good news is it's usually pretty cheap.
The question seems a bit odd coming 12 years after CFS3's initial release and many years after the development team was disbanded entirely, but Microsoft never offered a migration path from CFS to CFS2 to CFS3. Each were treated as independent program releases rather than upgrades of the same software.

I recently bought a copy of CFS3 from E-bay for a couple of quid to keep as a spare. Just looking again now and there's still plenty of copies to be had. :0)

I recently bought a copy of CFS3 from E-bay for a couple of quid to keep as a spare. Just looking again now and there's still plenty of copies to be had. :0)
At least I know I cant save a few pounds by going upgrade.

Now have one from ebay on its way.

Remember , after installing cfs3 , to install each of the two updates .Be sure to load and play game after install and after each update.
If you are in the US, look at the bargain bins at Target, Wal-Mart, Office Depot, Staples, etc.

I found them a few years back in a couple of places. I think I picked up a copy for $2.99 on a clearance sale.