CFS3 Tiger Moth and Harvard?


Charter Member
Hi all,

I'm looking for a Tiger Moth and a Harvard or a Texan for my BoB series.

I'd like to simulate the nine hours an RAF fighter pilot would've got before being thrown into battle.

Any information is always appreciated!


Thanks Hobbit!

I'll be sure to check it out tonight.

PM me, I've got the release figured out on the BoB series.

The first part will be released by Sunday!
What there is in the archive is my repaint of Jerry Beckwith's PT-19 Cornell as a Miles Magister - that might help somewhere!
What there is in the archive is my repaint of Jerry Beckwith's PT-19 Cornell as a Miles Magister

I recall you did that one at my request Nigel, I still potter around in it from tine to time :)

Looking forward to the missions Chris, have intended to do such training ones myself but never got around to it.
Taz, that should work beautifully!

I've found a Tiger Moth and I'll start putting some missions together tonight.

I don't know how much time I'll have for CFS3 over the next few weeks

There'll be about four or five missions for the Tiger Moth, a few for the Harvard, and a few for the fighters